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Healthy Meetings

The MDHHS Physical Activity and Nutrition Program has adopted “10 Steps to a Healthier Meeting” guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and is promoting it as a resource to encourage healthier lifestyles at work.

Access to healthier foods, beverages, and physical activity at work encourages healthier lifestyles among employees.  Workplace policies that support healthy eating and physical activity throughout the day make it easier for employees to make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Consuming nutrient-dense foods, and maintaining a healthy weight through healthy eating and physical activity reduces obesity and lowers the risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers.

The 10 Steps to a Healthier Meeting:

  1.   Offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2.   Offer whole grain products.
  3.   Offer right-sized portions.
  4.   Offer foods with healthy fats.
  5.   Offer foods that are reduced or low in sodium.
  6.   Offer healthy condiments on the side.
  7.   Offer nutrient dense snacks and foods.
  8.   Limit sweets in meetings and common areas.
  9.   Offer water and low-calorie drinks.
  10. Offer physical activity opportunities.




Contact Information:

Lorena Disha, MPH
Obesity Prevention Program Consultant
Cardiovascular Health, Nutrition, and Physical Activity Section
Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Unit

Acknowledgement of Support:

State and Local Public Health Actions to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease and Stroke: This project was made possible by funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grant (CDC-RFA-DP14-1422).