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Women's Health Partnership

Cancer and heart disease are the leading causes of death for Michigan women, and to tackle this issue the Cancer Prevention and Control Section of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has screening programs for women.

To promote these programs, the MDHHS Cancer Section began the Women’s Health Partnership to partner with organizations to:

  • Enroll women for lifesaving health screenings.
  • Engage women in services for themselves and their families.
  • Educate about breast cancer risk and improve the quality of life of those impacted by cancer.
  • Help women take advantage of FREE health services in the communities they serve.
  • Check out our partners! Come back often to see the list grow.

    Adrian District Library Baldwin Public Library
    Bay County Health Department Brilliant Detroit
    Brogan & Partners Cedar Springs Public Library
    Deckerville Public Library Disability Advocates of Kent County
    Disability Network Eastern Michigan Epicenter of Life
    Fremont Area District Library Hart Area Public Library
    Holly Township Library Islamic Center of Detroit
    Kent Country DHHS Kellogg Community College Library
    Mason County District Library Michigan's Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP)
    Michigan's Bureau of HIV and STI Program MDHHS Business Service Center 5
    Michigan's Colorectal Control Program Michigan's Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
    Michigan's Lung Cancer Early Detection Program Michigan's Program for Breast Cancer in Young Adults
    Michigan's Woman's Commission Michigan's WISEWOMAN Program
    Northfield Township Area Library Otsego County Library
    Peter White Public Library Priority Health
    Public Health Nutrition: Oakland County Health Division Redford Township District Library
    Shelby Area District Library Sterling Heights Public Library
    Transformation GEMS Traverse Area District Library
    West Bloomfield Township Public Library W'SUP: Wayne State University Prevention


  • Help Us Spread the Word

    Please share these flyers within your business and community.

    Social Media Ambassador Toolkit

    When using the Social Media Ambassador Toolkit:

    • Use the products as is.
    • Use appropriate language.
    • Be positive.

    MDHHS Cancer Screening Ambassadors Social Reference FileMicrosoft Word icon
    Please Note: Images in this file are for reference only. Please use the following image files when posting.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has made a series of posters to address the importance of screening for cervical cancer in different age groups.

  • What do you need me to do?

    The Cancer Prevention and Control Section of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services needs your help to promote the BC3NP and WISEWOMAN programs. Go to the Campaign Materials section of this page for tools and information you can share through your current email and social media accounts.

    What is the BC3NP?

    The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) provides low-income women access to breast and cervical cancer screening services (mammograms and Pap tests) and follow-up care if that should be needed. The program does not pay for cancer treatment, but women may be eligible for a special Medicaid program through BC3NP that will cover cancer treatment. More information about services is available under the What is BC3NP? section of the BC3NP program page.

    What is WISEWOMAN?

    The WISEWOMAN (Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for WOMen Across the Nation) Program helps participants understand their cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors and make healthy lifestyle choices. More information about services is available under the What is WISEWOMAN? section on the WISEWOMAN program page.

    Who is eligible for the BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Programs?

    These federal programs are funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and are administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Those who are eligible for the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program (BC3NP) and the WISEWOMAN Program include women who are uninsured or underinsured, at or below 250% of the federal poverty guideline, aged 40 to 64 years for breast cancer and WISEWOMAN services, and aged 21-64 years for cervical cancer services. Eligible clients who will benefit from these two programs include those who are at increased risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, and heart disease and need preventive health screenings as part of their wellness routine.

    Is there help available to support people living with HIV to get breast, cervical, and other cancer screenings?

    The Michigan Cancer Screening Project (CaSPr) aims to help by offering free coordination and navigation services for colorectal, cervical, breast, and lung cancers to people with HIV in Michigan. A specialized navigator is available to support people living with HIV to get to, and through, cancer screening.

    Are there resources available for adults who are diagnosed with breast cancer when they are under the age of 45?

    For many young people, cancer may come at a time when they have the most family and social responsibilities and also are working to establish financial independence. The MDHHS website below has helpful resources and tools for young adults with breast cancer (including metastatic cancer), as well as their caregivers, health care providers, and others who are interested in learning more about the disease and helping them improve their quality of life.

    What do I need to know about breast cancer as a person living with a disability?

    Visit the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage to learn more.

    What if I am a man with concerns about my breast health?

    If you have symptoms or changes in breast health, see your doctor right away. For information about breast cancer in men, including the most common symptoms, visit the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage.

    What is heart disease, and how do I reduce my risk?

    Visit the following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpage to learn more.

    What is a Pap smear, and when should I get one?

    Visit the following American Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpages to learn more.

    What is a mammogram?

    Visit the following American Cancer Society and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention webpages to learn more.

    Is there a cost to being a campaign partner?

    There is no cost to being a Women’s Health Partner for the BC3NP and WISEWOMAN Programs except your time. Check back under the Campaign Materials section for tools and information you can share through your existing email and social media accounts.