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The Michigan Cancer Consortium
The Michigan Cancer Consortium (MCC) is a statewide partnership of public and private organizations that collaborate to reduce the human and economic burden of cancer among the residents of Michigan.
The work of the MCC is focused on achieving the Consortium's research-based, results-oriented goals. Membership in the MCC is open to organizations that have missions in line with its goals and projects. The MCC works to fulfill its mission and vision through member engagement in the current Michigan Cancer Plan.
The MCC and its Board of Directors serves in an advisory capacity to MDHHS.
About The MCC
MCC Mission Statement
Unifying public and private organizations to reduce the burden of cancer for all people by addressing health disparities through a commitment to collaboration, evidence-based practices, and improved quality of care. (Revised November 2018)
MCC Vision Statement
Striving to be a statewide leader and national model for equitable transformation of comprehensive cancer care. (Revised November 2018)
National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
Michigan receives funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as part of the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP).
Michigan was one of six programs to receive funding in 1998 when the NCCCP was established. Now, all 50 states, the District of Columbia, eight U.S.-associated Pacific islands/territories, and seven tribes and tribal organizations are part of the NCCCP. Through the NCCCP, Michigan is required to maintain a cancer plan and statewide cancer coalition.
To learn more, go to About the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program | CDC.
MCC Accomplishments
For over 25 years, the Michigan Cancer Consortium (MCC) has achieved significant milestones thanks to its partnerships and collaborative efforts. Below is a list of some of these historical accomplishments.
2020 - Present
- The MCC celebrates 25 years (2023).
- The Physical Activity Workgroup supported the enrollment of rural cancer survivors in the C.A.P.A.B.L.E. Program (2023).
- The Late-Stage Breast Cancer Priority Workgroup completed an environmental scan of mammography facilities in Michigan to identify barriers to breast cancer screening (2023).
- The MCC underwent a strategic planning process to identify ways to ensure the MCC remains strong and successful (2021).
- The Michigan Cancer Plan 2021-2030 was released (2021).
- MCC members joined a sub-committee to help with the development of a white paper, Palliative Care for Adults Living with Cancer (2020).
2009 - 2019
- The Clinical Trials Workgroup developed educational documents for cancer survivors and primary care providers on the importance of clinical trial enrollment (2019).
- The Survivorship Workgroup created a shared decision-making guide on pain management (2019) document.
- The Michigan Journal of Public Health special issue on the MCC was released (2018).
- MCC members joined a sub-committee to help with the development of a white paper, Financial Navigation for People Undergoing Cancer Treatment (2018).
- The Survivorship Workgroup finalized education documents on several topics including tobacco cessation, physical activity, nutrition, etc. (2017).
- The Michigan Cancer Plan 2016-2020 was released (2016).
- The HPV Priority Workgroup facilitated HPV vaccination outreach to Hispanic youth (2016).
- The Colorectal Priority Workgroup worked to initiate colorectal cancer screening as a quality measure for Michigan Medicaid (2016).
- The Clinical Trials Workgroup developed a cover sheet for clinical trial enrollment to facilitate a rapid response to priority authorization requests for enrollment (2016).
- MCC received the Comprehensive Cancer Control State Coalition Impact Award (2014).
- MCC convened discussion forums with key stakeholder organizations on the Affordable Care Act (2013).
- The MCC Challenge received first place in the I'm Your Community Guide contest (2012).
- Work began on the tobacco cessation collaborative to refer patients with cancer that smoke to cessation services (2012).
- The Michigan Cancer Plan 2009-2015 was released (2009).
1998 - 2008
- MCC received the first-ever C-Change Award for Exemplary Comprehensive Cancer Control Implementation (2006).
- The basic Lexicon priority was accomplished to develop and disseminate common pathology protocols and reporting formats for examination of cancerous tissue specimens, cancer treatment, and prognostic decisions (2005).
- Making the Choice: Deciding What to Do About Early-Stage Prostate Cancer booklet was developed (2003).
- Access to clinical trials was improved through a coverage agreement with Michigan Health Plans (2001).
- The first Michigan Cancer Plan 1998-2008 is released (1998).
- The MCC is established (1998).
- Michigan was one of the first pilot sites to receive funding through the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (1998).
Michigan Cancer Plan, 2021-2030
In Michigan, and the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death. It is estimated that over 60,000 Michiganders will get cancer and over 20,000 Michiganders will die from cancer in 2020.
The Michigan Cancer Plan, 2021-2030, which was developed for all Michiganders, is a strategic plan to reduce the cancer burden in the state. Approximately 82 people participated in the five workgroups that developed the cancer plan. Each workgroup consisted of an average of 15 active participants.
Current Priority Objectives
The Michigan Cancer Consortium Board of Directors followed a prioritization process to select priority objectives from the Michigan Cancer Plan, 2021-2030. The following five were selected as priorities for the MCC from January 2024-December 2026.
Click on an individual priority to open a PDF with more information about that item.
Open the next accordion section ("Michigan Cancer Plan Dashboard") to see our continuing progress on these five priority objectives.
Michigan Cancer Plan Dashboard
Progress on the Five Priority Objectives for 2024-2026
Please Note: The dashboard's full-screen mode can be accessed by clicking the icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the dashboard or by clicking the "Open to full screen view" link located below the dashboard.
Download an accessible Excel (.xlsx) file with these data: Dashboard Data — Michigan Cancer Plan Priority Objectives for 2024-2026
Dashboard Archive
Looking for historical data, showing our progress on earlier sets of Michigan Cancer Plan, 2021-2030 priority objectives? -
MCC Board of Directors
Michigan Cancer Consortium Board of Directors
The Michigan Cancer Consortium (MCC) Board of Directors provides guidance according to its mission and vision. The Board of Directors promotes implementation of the state cancer plan, including MCC priorities, and embraces diversity in all aspects of its work. Board members have a formal affiliation with an MCC member organization and bring a unique set of cancer expertise, administrative skills, commitment, and experience to their role.
Polly Hager, MSN, RN (Co-Chair)
Manager, Cancer Prevention and Control Section
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Sabrina Ford, PhD (Immediate Past Co-Chair)
Outreach Specialist/Assistant Professor
Michigan State University Institute for Health PolicyVanessa Aron, BA, RYT
Project Manager
Michigan Oncology Quality ConstoriumLisa Braddix, MPH
Chief Health Equity Officer
Southeastern Michigan Health AssociationAudra Brown, MPH
Program Director, Cancer Prevention and Control Section
Michigan Department of Health and Human ServicesHelen Burns, MSN, ANP-BC, CBEC
Genetics Nurse Practitioner
Saint Joseph Mercy Health SystemLauren Fryzel
Senior Manager, Patient, & Community Outreach
Leukemia & Lymphocyte SocietyLauren Hamel, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Oncology
Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Karmanos InstituteAllison Jay, MD
Director of Genetics Program
American Cancer Society, Inc., North Central Region
Kerry Murphy O'Donnell, BS
Associate Director, State Partnerships
American Cancer Society, Inc., North Central Region
Elena Stoffel, MD, MPH
Clinical Associate Professor University of Michigan
Rogel Cancer Center at Michigan MedicineCarmen Stokes, PhD, FNP-BC, RN, CNE
Nurse Navigator
Henry Ford Health System, SM Gavini Center for Cancer PreventionShitanshu Uppal, MD, MBA
Clinical Associate Professor
University of MichiganAngela Vanker, MPH
Executive Director
GMP Network -
MCC Membership
MCC membership is open to public and private organizations whose missions support the Michigan Cancer Consortium (MCC) goals and special projects. The following are requirements for membership in the MCC:
- Actively engage in one or more of the MCC Areas of Implementation.
- Share your organization’s progress and accomplishments by completing the MCC Annual Survey. The MCC Annual Survey will be sent to the designated member representative at the beginning of each year for completion.
- Vote on MCC governing activities.
- Engage in measurable cancer prevention and control activities in Michigan.
To apply for membership please complete the form at this link. If you have any questions regarding your application, please contact the MCC mailbox:
Michigan Cancer Consortium Member Organizations
MCC member organizations are required to be actively involved in the work of the consortium, including implementation of the state cancer plan objectives and activities and reporting on these accomplishments through completion of the MCC Annual Survey.
- Actively engage in one or more of the MCC Areas of Implementation.
MCC Annual Report
The Michigan Cancer Consortium (MCC) Annual Reports highlight the work of MCC member organizations. The reports also include information about Michigan's Cancer Burden, summary of the accomplishments and outcomes of the Cancer Plan, and recommendations and calls to action based on the MCC survey results.
Thank you to all MCC members for their active role in cancer prevention and control on behalf of the Consortium. Please see the most recent MCC Annual Reports below:
Cancer Data and Resources
Cancer Information and Resources
- Visit the Cancer Prevention and Control Section homepage for a wide variety of cancer topics.
- Visit the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program webpage to learn more about the CDC grant that supports the efforts of the MCC.
- Community Cancer Incidence and Mortality Statistics – Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
- Michigan Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Michigan Cancer Epidemiology – Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
- Breast Cancer Data Dashboard
- Cervical Cancer Data Dashboard
- Colorectal Cancer Data Dashboard
- Lung Cancer Data Dashboard
- Prostate Cancer Data Dashboard
- Michigan Cancer Atlas
- Michigan Cancer Genomics Epidemiology – Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
- Michigan Cancer Surveillance Program Cancer Inquiry System
- Michigan Environmental Public Health Tracking (MiTracking)
- State Cancer Profiles – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
GW Cancer Center – Cancer Control Tap – Tap into resources to control cancer.
- Social Media Toolkits: George Washington Cancer Center social media toolkits will help you promote cancer awareness months. They contain evidence-informed communication strategies, pre-written Tweets and Facebook posts as well other awareness-related tools and resources.
Health Equity Data and Resources
- Cancer Disparities Progress Report - American Association for Cancer Research
- Cancer Progress Report - American Association for Cancer Research
- CDC Health Disparities and Strategies Report – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- CDC Disability and Health Data System (DHDS) – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities (CRCHD) – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Health Disparities in Cancer – Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)
- Minority Health Surveys
- What Are Cancer Disparities? – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- The Williams Institute – UCLA School of Law
Race and Ethnicity
- Cancer Resources for Michigan Communities – Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
- American Indian Cancer Burden – American Indian Cancer Foundation (AMCAF)
- Cancer Fact Sheets – Intercultural Cancer Council (ICC)
- Cancer Facts and Statistics – American Cancer Society (ACS)
Socio-Economic Status and Insurance Status
- U.S. Census Bureau – Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE)
- Cancer Rates by Race and Ethnicity – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Tobacco Cessation
National Data Reports
- American College of Surgeons – National Cancer Data Base
- CDC WONDER – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Cancer Data and Statistics – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- U.S. Cancer Statistics Data Visualizations Tool: The Data Visualizations Tool – makes it easy for anyone to explore and use the latest official federal government cancer data from United States Cancer Statistics. It includes the latest cancer data covering 100% of the U.S. population.
- Cancer Facts and Statistics – American Cancer Society (ACS)
- Cancer Snapshots – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Cancer Statistics – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Cancer Trends Progress Report – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- GIS and Public Health – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS) – HINTS is a national survey dedicated to learning how people find, use, and understand cancer information.
- HINTS Briefs – HINTS Briefs provide a snapshot of noteworthy, data-driven research findings from the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS).
- Healthy People 2020: Cancer
- National Cancer Institute State Cancer Profiles
- North American Association of Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR)
- SMART: BRFSS City and County Data and Documentation
- Smoking and Tobacco Use Data and Statistics – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) data – National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- U.S. Census Bureau – Small Area Health Insurance Estimates (SAHIE)