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Operations Division

The Operations Division is comprised of the Administrative Services, Investigative Analytics, and the Policy & Training Units. The Administrative Services Unit is responsible for overall day-to-day business operations and human resources functions for the OIG. The Investigative Analytics section is responsible for technical and analytic support for ongoing investigations and fraud referrals, as well as development, implementation and ongoing support of software used in fraud detection, case management and tracking. The Policy & Training Unit is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely policy review, development and implementation. The unit reviews, researches and analyses current and proposed department policy, state laws and federal legislation and associated MDHHS and OIG policy changes. In addition, the unit develops and presents training to staff throughout OIG. Including planning, coordinating and facilitating both internal and external training events.

Administrative Services
OIG’s Administrative Services unit manages the day-to-day business operations for OIG, including employee onboarding and departure; equipment and supplies requisitions; management of the OIG State Car Fleet; budget development and monitoring; personnel selection and hiring; building security and facilities management; Administrative Hearings processes. In FY2018 Administrative Services provided extensive quality control reviews on over 4,200 investigative packets referred to the Michigan Administrative Hearing System for debt collection and disqualification requests.

Investigative Analytics
The Investigative Analytics unit (IAU) is responsible for providing system and analytic support for ongoing investigations and fraud referrals. IAU uses analytical tools and techniques, as well as knowledge of all program rules, to mine state-owned data to determine fraud, waste and abuse events and trends. Data analytics allows for detection and identification of patterns of fraudulent behavior not otherwise readily apparent and are the critical first steps in the investigative process. OIG investigators use information from IAU’s data analytics to focus their efforts and resources to areas of the greatest risk and return, leading to greater recoveries, and discouraging future abuse.

Policy & Training
The Policy & Training is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely policy review, development and implementation. The unit reviews, researches and analyses current and proposed department policy, state laws and federal legislation and associated MDHHS and OIG policy changes. In addition, the unit develops and presents training to staff throughout OIG. Including planning, coordinating and facilitating both internal and external training events.