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Health Information Technology commission releases 2023 annual report, announces advisory committee members

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), in partnership with the Health Information Technology Commission (HITC), is releasing its annual report summarizing major activities in 2023 and proposing six key recommendations for the commission in 2024.

Community Information Exchange (CIE) is a priority of MDHHS in advancing health equity in Michigan. Across the state, organizations use different technology systems to provide health, human and social services to Michigan residents. CIE reduces barriers between people and technology by connecting data-sharing between health care providers and social care providers. While efforts to build CIE are happening at the state and local level, MDHHS recognizes and is working toward the development of a statewide strategy to support streamlining efforts.

“The development of statewide community information infrastructure will enhance health care and social care organizations’ ability to address the needs of all people in Michigan,” said Elizabeth Hertel, director. “MDHHS’ commitment to quality improvement has begun improving data collection across the state which will streamline care and make it easier to connect patients with resources to help them outside of a hospital or clinic setting.”

In 2023, the HITC established the CIE task force that produced a final report detailing 33 recommendations for the development of statewide CIE capacities and infrastructure. To implement and execute the recommendations laid out by the CIE task force, the HITC established a community information exchange advisory committee. The advisory committee held its first meeting December 2023.

“I am thrilled that the work of the task force will continue through the CIE advisory committee under the HIT commission,” said Janée Tyus, chair of the advisory committee and former co-chair of the CIE task force. “We have just begun to scratch the surface of opportunities in this space, and I am excited to work with the wonderful individuals who’ve been appointed to this committee. I am hopeful that many will be able to learn from the groundbreaking work being done in Michigan.”

Committee members are listed online.

Meeting materials and summaries are located online. Any questions or feedback of the CIE task force can be sent to
