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MDHHS community information exchange task force releases final report, seeks participants for advisory committee

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Office of Policy and Planning in partnership with the Community Information Exchange (CIE) task force released its final report with findings for the development of a statewide CIE strategy.

“Community Information Exchange has an important role in advancing health equity in Michigan,” said Elizabeth Hertel, director. “Across the state, organizations use different technology systems to provide health, human and social services to residents. The CIE task force was created to develop a statewide strategy to develop infrastructure, policies and practice for the collection of social care data across communities to efficiently care for and serve residents.”

The CIE task force brought together stakeholders to understand the existing infrastructure of CIE activities in Michigan, analyze the needs of various partners, assess the capacities of CIE that are needed in the field and make recommendations for actions that state government, community-based organizations, health care and other organizations can take. These actions will support social care data exchange and build capacity within communities and social service providers to share data about social needs.

The task force final report details 33 recommendations for the development of statewide CIE capacities and infrastructure. The task force’s recommendations are organized into seven domains: capacities for data exchange, resource directory information capacities, longitudinal data aggregation capacities, coordinating entities capacities, governance, sustainability and legal and ethical framework.

The CIE task force final report and findings were presented to the Michigan Health Information Technology Commission (MHITC) and adopted at its September 2023 meeting. In addition to adopting the report, the MHITC approved the creation of a community information exchange advisory committee charged with implementing the recommendations detailed in the final report and supporting the MHITC in optimizing use of existing social care systems and services. Interested individuals can submit a nomination to participate on the CIE Advisory Committee of the MHITC here.

“The CIE task force final report is a culmination of collaborative efforts that provides recommendations for advancing social care data exchange,” said Renee Smiddy, CIE task force member, co-chair of the MHITC, and consumer representative to the MHITC. “These efforts undoubtedly shape the future of health care information exchange in Michigan and promise a brighter future for patient health equity and enhanced care coordination.”

The MHITC seeks interested members to serve on the advisory committee and support its work to the commission by submitting an application. Applicants with strong technical expertise, policy experience, and represent community-based organizations will be prioritized. To learn more about the Health Information Technology Commission, please visit

The CIE task force met monthly from August 2022 through July 2023. You can find meeting materials and summaries here. Any questions or feedback of the CIE task force can be sent to

