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Prescription drugs covered by Medicaid health plans topic of October meeting

The public is invited to attend a virtual meeting hosted by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on Monday, Oct. 3, regarding the list of prescription drugs covered under Michigan’s Medicaid health plans known as the Medicaid Health Plan Common Formulary. The purpose of the meeting is to provide an annual forum for the public, stakeholders and interested parties to comment on the prescription list. This forum is in addition to the quarterly written public comment periods.

The annual Michigan Medicaid Health Plan common formulary stakeholder meeting will be held virtually from 9:30 a.m. to noon via Zoom. The Zoom can be accessed by clicking this link and the password is: s1GJxM. Participants may also access the meeting by phone by dialing 636-651-3128 and entering access code 287658.

“It is important for Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan beneficiaries to have the opportunity to comment on whether prescription drugs on the list will meet their health needs,” said Farah Hanley, MDHHS chief deputy for health. “We welcome their participation in this public meeting and look forward to hearing their input – as well as feedback from providers and other stakeholders.”

MDHHS created the common formulary in 2016 to streamline drug coverage policies for Medicaid and Healthy Michigan Plan beneficiaries and providers. The common formulary is required in state law and in the Medicaid health plan contract to ensure that prescription drugs are common across all contracted plans.

Medicaid health plans may be less restrictive – but not more restrictive – than the coverage in the common formulary for products not on the Michigan Preferred Drug List, which is a subset of the drugs listed on the common formulary.

As of Oct. 1, 2020, the common formulary coverage for products began aligning with the Michigan Preferred Drug List – including any prior authorization and step therapy requirements.

Anyone who plans to attend should notify no later than Thursday, Sept. 29, and should request special accommodations if needed to join the meeting. Find more information about the common formulary including the list of covered prescription drugs at

Those unable to attend can submit questions or comments to the Common Formulary mailbox at

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