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Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging planning listening sessions around the state

Next meeting is Friday, July 15 in Oakland County

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging is seeking input from the public at its next listening session in Oakland County on Friday, July 15.

The commission, a 15-member governor-appointed body, advises the governor, Legislature and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) on matters relating to policies and programs for older adults in Michigan.

Each year the Commission on Services to the Aging hosts listening sessions in different areas of the state to give older adults the opportunity to share feedback about issues impacting their lives.

The commission has already made visits this year to Grand Rapids, Lansing and Bad Axe, and is scheduled to meet in Manistee in October.

On July 15, the public is welcome to attend the commission’s monthly business meeting at 9 a.m. at the Older Persons’ Commission, 650 Letica Drive, Rochester. The listening session/public hearing will begin at 1 p.m. Anyone wishing to address the commission is asked to register upon arrival. Speakers should limit comments to three to five minutes.

“MDHHS and the commission value the input received by Michiganders at the listening sessions so far and look forward to suggestions from residents in the Oakland County area,” said Farah Hanley, chief deputy director for health for MDHHS. “We will continue to use the feedback we receive to guide important advocacy efforts on behalf of the state’s aging adults.”

Anyone needing accommodations to attend may contact Kelly Cooper at 517-214-1618 or

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