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Michigan awarded $980,000 to develop certified community behavioral health clinics

For Immediate Release: October 19, 2015

LANSING, Mich. – The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) will be awarded a $982,373 planning grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to develop certified community behavioral health clinics (CCHBC) in the state.  

“Building community-based systems of care is vital to supporting residents with behavioral health needs,” said Nick Lyon, director of MDHHS. “This grant is an important first step in developing a more comprehensive way of delivering services throughout our state to best serve our residents.”

As one of 24 states awarded planning grant funding, Michigan will develop criteria for CCHBCs in the state, establish a prospective payment system, and prepare an application to participate in a two year demonstration program. After MDHHS submits the Phase II application for SAMHSA demonstration funding, SAMHSA will then award demonstration grants to eight states who will be allowed to pilot their CCBHCs over two years.

To be considered a CCBHC, an organization will serve adults with serious mental illnesses, children with serious emotional disturbances, and those with long term and serious substance use disorders. These organizations will need to provide a variety of services and supports including crisis mental health services; screening, assessment, and diagnosis; patient-centered treatment planning; outpatient mental health and substance use services; primary care screening and monitoring; targeted case management; psychiatric rehabilitation services; peer support and counselor services and family supports; and intensive, community-based mental health care for members of the armed forces and veterans.

Funding for this program was part of the 2014 Excellence in Mental Health Act aimed at increasing access to community-based behavioral health care and improving the quality of care delivered to people with behavioral health challenges.      

MDHHS is currently seeking feedback from stakeholders about this planning grant. Interested stakeholders can email with questions or comments. To be eligible for the demonstration funding, MDHHS must submit the Phase II application by October 2016.

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