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CHAMPS Instructions & Information

To ensure your agency is ready to use EVV for dates of service on or after July 1, 2024. Home Help Agency providers should also complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form.

Below are instructional resources designed to assist both new and current Home Help agency providers with completing the CHAMPS application, modifying enrollment information, and completing a revalidation.  Click any hyperlink for additional information.

New Agency Enrollment Instructions

Home Help agencies must register in CHAMPS and have a criminal history screening done before delivering services or working with MDHHS Home Help beneficiaries. Before receiving the agency rate or billing for services a CHAMPS application must be submitted and approved.

  • Agency: CHAMPS Enrollment Instructions - PDF

As MSA 21-52 outlines, documentation must be sent to the Home Help Policy Section as part of the agency provider application process. 

Submit the following documents to the MDHHS Home Help Policy Section by email to

1. A copy of the county registration if the agency registered with its local County Clerk's office.

Note: This document is not required if the agency is registered with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA).

2. A letter of intent on agency letterhead with the current date and the agency owner(s) written signature(s) that includes:

  • A list of the services the agency will provide and the county(ies) it intends to serve.
  • Names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the agency owner(s) and managing employee(s).
3. A copy of the agency's IRS Form SS-4 Application for Employer Identification Number.

4. A completed, signed Home Help Agency Provider Employment Requirements form (HASA-2104). The MDHHS Home Help Policy Section includes the HASA-2104 in the agency application packet emailed to the agency.

Individual providers working for an agency must be enrolled and associated to the enrolled agency. Agencies can view associated providers within their CHAMPS enrollment information.

  • Agency Employee: CHAMPS Enrollment Instructions – PDF
  • Viewing Associated Providers - PDF

Changing or Modifying CHAMPS Information

Providers must notify MDHHS within 10 calendar days of any change to their enrollment information. Below are instructions on how to update some of the more frequently updated enrollment items. Updating or changing CHAMPS information is also referred to as a CHAMPS modification. Modifications submitted on or after December 18, 2023, existing Home Help Agencies are required to enter a National Provider Identifier (NPI) within their CHAMPS Provider Enrollment Information per policy MMP 23-64

To ensure your agency is ready to use EVV for dates of service on or after July 1, 2024. Home Help Agency providers should also complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form.

  • CHAMPS Modification Instructions - PDF
  • Address Modification - PDF
  • Pay to Address Change - PDF


All providers are required to revalidate their Medicaid enrollment information a minimum of once every five years, or more often if requested by MDHHS. MDHHS will notify providers when a revalidation is required. Revalidations on or after December 18, 2023, are required to enter a National Provider Identifier (NPI) within their CHAMPS Provider Enrollment Information per policy MMP 23-64

  • Revalidation Instructions - PDF
  • Quick Reference Guide - PDF

Provider Contact Information

MDHHS utilizes provider email address information entered in the CHAMPS provider enrollment application to communicate with providers. Providers are responsible for maintaining accurate and valid email address information within their CHAMPS provider enrollment information. If the email address information is out of date or incorrect, enrolled providers will want to modify their enrollment information and submit it for approval.


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