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2015 Medicaid Provider L Letters

The following are provider letters issued in 2015. 


Letter Number 

Issue Date 



L 15-73 December 30, 2015 Blood Lead Guidelines to Address the City of Flint Residents' Potential Exposure to Lead Practitioners, Clinics, Laboratories and Maternal Infant Health Program (MIHP) Providers in the City of Flint
L 15-71 December 18, 2015 Section 1115 Waiver - Pathway to Integration Proposal Community Mental Health Services Programs, Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans, and Other Interested Parties
L 15-70 December 18, 2015 New Section 1115 Waiver - Pathway to Integration Proposal Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-72 December 16, 2015 Michigan's Revised Statewide Transition Plan for Home and Community-Based Services Community Mental Health Services Programs, Prepaid Inpatient Health Plans, MIChoice Waiver Agents, Integrated Care Organizations
L 15-69 December 3, 2015 Maternal and Infant Support Services Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-66 December 2, 2015 Billing Newborn Services When the Mother is Enrolled in a Medicaid Health Plan (MHP) Hospitals, Practitioners, Medicaid Health Plans
L 15-67 November 17, 2015 Update of Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) and Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Reduction Factor Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-63 November 3, 2015 Modification of Outpatient Hospital Medicaid Access to Care Initiative Payment Allocation Method Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
 L 15-64 October 27, 2015 LOCD Nursing Facilities, PACE Providers, MI Choice, Integrated Care Organizations (ICOs)
L 15-62 October 7, 2015 Notice of Intent to Submit a State Plan Amendment to Enroll Marriage and Family Therapists as Medicaid Providers Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-60 October 7, 2015 Hospice Reimbursement Changes Hospice and Medicaid Health Plans
L 15-59 October 7, 2015 Attending Physician Emergency Department Case Rate Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-58 October 7, 2015 Medicaid Coverage of Power Wheelchairs and custom Wheelchair Seating for Medicaid Beneficiaries Residing in Nursing Facilities Nursing Facilities and Medical Suppliers

L 15-57

September 23, 2015

Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Allotment 

Tribal Chairs and Health Directors

L 15-56 September 2, 2015 Primary Care Health Homes Project Tribal Chairs and Health Directors

L 15-52

September 1, 2015

Notice of Amendment to Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver and Proposed State Plan Amendment

Tribal Chairs and Health Directors

L 15-48 August 27, 2015 Medicaid Coverage Update All Providers
L 15-53 August 27, 2015 SNAF Letter All Providers
L 15-51 August 19, 2015 Reporting Therapy Prior Authorization (PA) Numbers on Claims and No Therapy Billed Nursing Facilities
L 15-55 August 17, 2015 Notice of October 12, 2015 Orthotics and Prosthetics Provider Liaison Meeting Orthotics and Prosthetics Providers
L 15-49 August 11, 2015 Physician Order for Non-Emergency Ambulance Transportation Ambulance, Practitioners and Nursing Facilities
L 15-50 July 31, 2015 Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Pools Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-46 July 8, 2015 Notice of September 14, 2015 Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Provider Liaison Meeting Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Providers
L 15-45 July 2, 2015 Amendment to the Healthy Kids Dental Waiver Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-42 July 2, 2015 Nursing Facility Audit Appeals Clarification Nursing Facilities
L 15-44 July 1, 2015 Notice of Intent to Submit a State Plan Amendment to Provide Inpatient Psychiatric Services for Children who Meet State-Defined Criteria in a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-43 June 23, 2015 Enrollment of Fee-for-Service (FFS) Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Providers Outside of Wayne, Oakland, and Macomb Counties Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-39 June 23, 2015 MIChild Premium Payments Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-37 June 18, 2015 Renewal Applications for the Comprehensive Health Care Program and Health Kids Dental Waivers, and Waiving Section 1902(e) of the Social Security Act to Transition Children from the Existing MIChild Program into a Proposed MIChild Medicaid Expansion Program. Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-41 June 11, 2015 Updates to the Nurse Aide Training and Competency Evaluation Program (NATCEP) Frequently Asked Questions Document Nursing Facilities, NATCEP Training Programs
L 15-40 June 10, 2015 Michigan State Veterans Homes Medicaid Reimbursement Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-38 June 4, 2015 Updates to Inpatient Hospital Reimbursement Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-36 June 1, 2015 Section 1332 Waiver Regarding Cost-Sharing Requirements Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-35 June 1, 2015 Section 1115 Waiver Regarding Cost-Sharing Requirements Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-33 May 27, 2015 MI Choice Amendment on Level of Care Determination and Updates to Performance Measures Tribal Health Centers, MI Choice Waiver Agencies, Centers for Independent Living, Adult Foster Care, and Homes for the Aged
L 15-31 May 26, 2015 Personal Care Services Provider Logs Home Help Agencies and Providers
L 15-32 May 2015 Reminder on Medicaid Bed Certification Nursing Facilities, Hospital Long-Term Care, County Medical Care Facilities, Ventilator-Dependent Care Units, Hospital Swing Beds
L 15-30 April 29, 2015 Renewal Application for the Habilitation Supports Waiver Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-29 April 29, 2015 Renewal Applications for Section 1915(b)(4)/(c) Children's Waiver Program (CWP) and Section 1915 (b)(4) Children with Serious Emotional Disturbances Waiver (SEDW) Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-28 April 29, 2015 MI Choice Waiver Amendment on Level of Care Determination Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-27 April 29, 2015 Coverage of Physician-Administered Injectable Drugs as a Pharmacy Benefit Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-20 April 2, 2015 Hospice Membership Notice (DCH-1074) and Completion Instructions Hospice Providers
L 15-26 April 1, 2015 Autism Benefit Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-24 March 30, 2015 DRA Notices 2014 Directors of Finance
L 15-19 March 18, 2015 Primary Care Health Homes Pilot Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-23 March 16, 2015 Orthotics and Prosthetics Liaison Meeting Notice Orthotics and Prosthetics Providers
L 15-22  March 16, 2015 Adult Home Help Services and the new MI Health Link Program Home Help Providers
L 15-21 March 16, 2015 Home Health Services when a Medicaid Beneficiary is receiving Private Duty Nursing (PDN) Home Health Providers
L 15-15 March 16, 2015 MI Health Link  Hospice Providers
L 15-18 March 6, 2015 Fiscal Year 2015 Outpatient Disproportionate Share Hospital Pool Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-17 March 6, 2015 Inpatient and Outpatient Hospital Short Stay Reimbursement Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-16 March 4, 2015 MI Health Link for Nursing Facilities  Nursing Facilities
L 15-14 February 11, 2015 Expansion of Coverage for Pharmacy Administration of Vaccines Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-13 February 11, 2015 Coverage of Physician-Administered Injectable Drugs as a Pharmacy Benefit Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-11 January 30, 2015 Notice of Intent to Submit a State Plan Amendment on Cost-Sharing Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-10 January 30, 2015 Tribal Health Center (THC) All-Inclusive Rate for Managed Care Encounters Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-09 January 29, 2015 Inpatient Hospital Capital Reimbursement Methodology Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-08 January 29, 2015 Update of Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) and Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) Reduction Factor Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-07 January 29, 2015 Update of Inpatient Hospital Grouper Version and Rates Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-06 January 2015 Reporting Long-Term Care Insurance as Other Insurance on a Medicaid Claim and Monies Received From a Beneficiary and Reported with Value Code 22 Nursing Facilities, Hospital Long-Term Care, County Medical Care Facilities, Ventilator-Dependent Care Units, Hospital Swing Beds
L 15-04 January 27, 2015 Medicaid Expansion Tribal Notice Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-02 January 26, 2015 Notice of March 16, 2015 Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Provider Liaison Meeting Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Providers
L 15-03 January 23, 2015 Notice of Intent to Submit a State Plan Amendment to Enroll Psychologists, Social Workers, and Professional Counselors as Medicaid Providers Tribal Chairs and Health Directors
L 15-01 January 13, 2015 Nursing Facility Responsibility for Non-Emergency Non-Ambulance Transportation Nursing Facilities, Hospital Long-Term Care, County Medical Care Facilities, Ventilator-Dependent Care Units, Hospital Swing Beds