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Funding Priorities

Both Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) have priorities for funding Nursing Facility Enrichment Program projects with Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) funds. The MDHHS priorities expand upon the CMS priorities to meet the unique needs of Michiganders who reside in a nursing facility.

A.  CMS funding priorities:

  1. Projects that support resident and family councils and other consumer involvement in assuring quality care in facilities. Examples of this type of project include the following:

Culture Change: "Culture change" is the common name given to the national movement for the transformation of older adult services, based on person-directed values and practices where the voices of elders and those working with them are considered and respected. Core person-directed values are choice, dignity, respect, self-determination and purposeful living. CMP funds may be used to promote culture change in projects that involve multiple nursing facilities.

Resident or Family Councils:  CMP funds may be used for projects by not-for-profit resident advocacy organizations that:

  • Assist in the development of new independent family councils; 
  • Assist resident and family councils in effective advocacy on their family members’ behalf;
  • Develop materials and training sessions for resident and family councils on state implementation of new federal or state legislation; 

For example, CMP funds could be used to support facilitators, involvement of knowledgeable experts in council meetings, or other initiatives to engage residents and families in the development and implementation of quality improvement programs.

Consumer Information:  CMP funds may be used to develop and disseminate information that is directly useful to nursing facility residents and their families in becoming knowledgeable about their rights, nursing facility care processes, and other information useful to a resident.

Resident Transition due to Facility Closure or Downsizing: CMP funds may be considered for use for the temporary support or protection of residents of a facility that closes or is decertified (including offsetting costs of relocating residents to home and community-based settings or another facility), or to transition residents to alternate settings for a facility downsizing that requires a reduction in facility census. 

Transition Preparation: CMP funds may be considered for use to fund an initial home visit for a nursing facility resident to help him or her evaluate the appropriateness of a potential transition to another living arrangement or home or community-based setting.


B.  MDHHS Funding Priorities:

  1. Projects that include resident and other stakeholder input in the development of the project.
  2. Projects that improve the quality of life for residents through innovative approaches to implement person directed values within the nursing facility. For projects to meet this priority, they must include outcomes that seek to do any of the following:
  • Surprise and delight nursing facility residents,
  • Improve activities, programs, processes or systems to enhance daily life for nursing facility residents,
  • Protect or improve the quality of life and care for nursing facility residents,
  • Change or improve the culture in the nursing facility by implementing emerging or nationally-sanctioned person centered culture change models,
  • Promote increased nursing facility resident autonomy,
  • Increase nursing facility residents becoming well known by staff through deepening relationships between residents, staff and volunteers of nursing facilities,
  • Support resident and family councils and other consumer involvement in assuring quality care in facilities,
  • Support facility improvement initiatives, such as joint training of facility staff and surveyors, or technical assistance for facilities implementing quality assurance and performance improvement programs,
  • Utilize new, innovative or pioneering programs or methods designed to improve life for nursing facility residents.

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