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Submit an Emergency CON Application

An emergency CON can be submitted if the applicant meets the requirements set forth in MCL 333.22235(1).  An emergency CON application can be submitted online through the Department's CON e-Serve Application via the MILogin system or by paper available on the Electronic Forms page (CON-101). Submission online is encouraged as it helps to expedite the processing of an application. An emergency CON application does not require an application fee.

An emergency CON application is an expedited review upon a showing by the applicant, by affidavit, of all of the following:

  (a) The necessity for immediate or temporary relief due to natural disaster, fire, unforeseen safety consideration, or other emergency circumstances. 
  (b) The serious adverse effect of delay on the applicant and the community that would be occasioned by compliance with the otherwise applicable requirements of this part and rules promulgated under this part. 
  (c) The lack of substantial change in facilities or services that existed before the emergency circumstances established under subdivision (a).
  (d) The temporary nature of the construction of facilities or the services that will not preclude different disposition of longer term determinations in a subsequent application for a certificate of need not made under this section.

Additional information dealing with the filing of a Letter of Intent, application, emergency application, and amendment phases is provided by a workflow chart.