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A brief history of implementation

2012: The MiTEAM Practice Model was developed and implemented statewide with four core competencies: Teaming, Engagement, Assessment and Mentoring.

2013-2015: The MiTEAM Practice Model was expanded and enhanced to:

  • Incorporate feedback received from the field.
  • Identify key caseworker activities associated with each competency.
  • Add three sub-competencies under assessment (case planning, case plan implementation, and placement planning).
  • Integrate trauma-informed practices.
  • Provide detailed definition and guidance around each competency.
  • Develop the MiTEAM Fidelity Tool to support ongoing application and development of skills.

2016-2017: The Enhanced MiTEAM Practice Model was trained and implemented statewide.

2018: The MiTEAM Fidelity Tool was trained and implemented statewide.


Important General MiTEAM Practice Model Implementation Documents 

MiTEAM Practice Model Manual: For full MiTEAM Practice Model Manual, please click on "Resources" link in the top right corner of the MiTEAM Virtual Learning Site.

  • MiTEAM Practice Model Snapshot: A compiled snapshot of the State of Michigan's Mission, Vision, Guiding Principles and MiTEAM Practice Model Competencies.
  • MiTEAM Minimum Training Requirements for New Workers: Communication Issuance 17-176    MiTEAM Training Requirements for New Child Welfare Workers.
  • Measuring and Monitoring Progress: Measurement Graphic that illustrates how MiTEAM Fidelity Data and Quality Service Review Practice Indicators aligned with the MiTEAM Practice Model combine with other data sources to monitor our progress toward federal outcomes of Safety, Permanency and Well-being.


In this section, you will find a description of Enhanced MiTEAM Practice Model implementation components and related materials specific to Directors/Mid-Managers, Supervisors, Workers (including all materials for new worker requirements), and MiTEAM Specialists/Liaisons. These materials can continue to be used as resources for sustainability of the MiTEAM Practice Model, continuous improvement efforts and historical perspective.  



MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules: Located on the Home Page of this MiTEAM Virtual Learning Site[FA(1]. Modules are made up a combination of virtual learning modules, individual automated application exercises, and resources. All Directors/Mid-Managers were expected to complete the MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules prior to their staff during implementation.[FA(2]


Parallel Steps: Parallel steps are made up of behaviors that Directors and Mid-Managers can practice in effort to demonstrate the MiTEAM Competencies from their role and support a continuous learning environment. Parallel Steps Suggestions were provided to Directors and Mid-Managers during initial implementation to support an understanding of the parallel process.


Enhanced MiTEAM Checklists: Provided to assist Directors and Mid-Managers in tracking of Enhanced MiTEAM implementation activities. The Checklist covers each (4) month training cycle and breaks it down into monthly tasks to be completed.


Director/Mid-Manager Support Calls: Support Calls held in the prior to the beginning of each Training Cycle to prepare Director/Mid-Manager for their role in implementation. 


Engagement and Teaming Training Cycle

Assessment Training Cycle

Case Planning and Case Plan Implementation Training Cycle

Placement Planning and Mentoring Training Cycle



MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules: Located on the Home Page of this MiTEAM Virtual Learning Site[FA(3]. Modules are made up a combination of virtual learning modules, individual automated application exercises, and resources. All supervisors were expected to complete the MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules prior to their staff during initial implementation.[FA(4]


Parallel Steps:  Parallel steps are made up of behaviors that Supervisors can practice in effort to demonstrate the MiTEAM Competencies from their role and support a continuous learning environment.  Supervisors demonstrated the competencies by completing the Supervisor Led Application Exercises (SLAEs). Supervisors were provided with reflection worksheets and additional suggested parallel steps during implementation to support an understanding of the parallel process.


Supervisor Support Calls: Support Calls were held in the first month of each Training Cycle to prepare supervisors for their role in implementation. 


Supervisor Led Application Exercises (SLAE): Led by supervisors for their child welfare staff to practice and build on the skills that were delivered in the virtual tutorial. These exercises could be repeated outside of the implementation.


Supervisor Materials Packets: Packet containing all the Supervisor materials from each training cycle of the Enhanced MiTEAM implementation in one convenient place.


Engagement and Teaming Training Cycle


Assessment Training Cycle


Case Planning and Plan Implementation


Placement Planning and Mentoring



MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules: Located on the Home Page of this MiTEAM Virtual Learning Site[FA(5]. Modules are made up a combination of virtual learning modules, individual automated application exercises, and resources. REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW WORKERS.


Individual Field Application Exercises (IFAE): These worksheets are designed to encourage participants to commit to practicing one of the skills presented in the virtual tutorial, create small steps to change for each competency and request support as needed. Once caseworkers take each virtual tutorial, they should complete the corresponding worksheet and schedule a time to debrief with a supervisor. REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW WORKERS.


Self-Assessments: Self-Assessments were the first exercise of all Supervisor Led Application Exercises during initial implementation. They are separated out and included here for easier access.  REQUIRED FOR ALL NEW WORKERS.


MiTEAM Quality Assurance Analysts (MQAA) and Liaisons

MiTEAM Virtual Learning Modules: Located on the Home Page of this MiTEAM Virtual Learning Site. Modules are made up a combination of virtual learning modules, individual automated application exercises, and resources

MiTEAM Specialist Training Cycle Checklists: Provided to assist supervisors in tracking of Enhanced MiTEAM initial implementation activities. The Checklist covers each (4) month training cycle and breaks it down into monthly tasks to be completed.

MiTEAM Specialist/Liaison Practice Support Trainings PowerPoint: Trainings conducted by the MiTEAM Analysts with the MiTEAM Specialists/Liaisons. Trainings focused on preparing for, advocating for and building skills to lead MiTEAM Specialist Led Application Exercises. 

MiTEAM Specialist Led Application Exercises and Participant Packets: Led by MiTEAM Specialists for all child welfare staff to practice and build on the skills that were delivered in the virtual tutorials. Some MSLAEs have additional packets of materials to support the exercises.  These exercises can be repeated outside of initial implementation.


Engagement and Teaming

  • MiTEAM Specialist Led Application Exercise (MSLAE) Engagement: Exercises offer practice accurately perceiving other’s thoughts, feelings or experiences and communicating this understanding in an empathic way. In addition, the exercise will increase awareness about how statements can create or reinforce an imbalance of power and provide an opportunity for staff to practice using language that lessens the power differential.
  • MiTEAM Specialist Led Application Exercise (MSLAE) Teaming: Instructions will be provided on how to create a genogram and ecomap. Staff will practice using diagramming for the purpose of forming a team. Additionally, one of the exercises will demonstrate how effective Pre-Meeting Discussions support the teaming process.




Case Planning and Plan Implementation


Placement Planning and Mentoring


MiTEAM Quality Assurance Analysts (MQAA) and Liaison Position Documents

The MiTEAM Quality Assurance Analysts (MQAA) evolved from MiTEAM Specialists in 2018 and from the Peer Coach position in 2015.  Below are supportive documents that were developed to support the MiTEAM Specialist position. These documents can be utilized as resources and/or historical perspective.


Position Information:




MiTEAM Fidelity Tool and Supporting Information