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Special Education Advocacy

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Core Curriculum Course: Education issues: Understanding a child’s rights in special education (legal focus)

Until the 1970s, children with disabilities were excluded from school in large numbers. Michigan law (1971) and federal law (1973, 1975) assured access to school for these children and provided a range of specialized instruction, services, and supports identified through a multidisciplinary planning and evaluation process. Social work professionals are critical participants in the special education process. This presentation provides: a basic overview of special education rights and responsibilities; practical techniques to resolve the most common problems; and resources to access for more detailed information and help. Participants will have an opportunity to apply their knowledge through a hypothetical situation and will be able to ask questions about specific issues. This workshop will utilize exercises, small and large group discussions, pre- and post-tests, and visual displays.

Date/time: April 17, 2015 • Registration 8:30 AM • Program 9:00 AM – 12:15 PM
Location: VisTaTech Center, Schoolcraft College, 18600 Haggerty Road, Livonia, MI 48152
Social Work CECHs: 3 hours • ASWB ACE approval #1136, approval June 14, 2013–June 13, 2016
Presenter: Mark McWilliams, JD

Target audience:
 Children’s Protective Services Workers
 Foster Care Workers
 Adoption Workers

Training objectives: As a result of this workshop, participants will be prepared to:
• Understand basic special education rights and processes.
• Gain experience solving basic special education problems.
• Learn where to go to answer questions about special education rights.

How to register online:
Please note: Registration is available online only. Under course categories, click “Child
Welfare In-Service Trainings” to register for the course you want to attend.
If you do not already have an online account with the MSU School of Social
Work Continuing Education Program, you will be asked to create one.
Cost: FREE to MDHHS and private agency child welfare employees.
All others visit:
Click on course category “Child Welfare In-Service Trainings” and review
course you want to attend to view price.
Contact: MSU School of Social Work Continuing Education office
Phone: 517-353-3060

To receive in-service training credit, your training facility coordinator must document completion on OTP/JJOLT. For questions regarding documentation of in-service training on OTP/JJOLT contact the Help Desk at or call (313) 465-2603.