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Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Friday, September 05, 2014

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For your convenience, upcoming OJJDP-sponsored events for September are listed below:



Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Officer Training

September 8-17, 2pm ET


The Gang Resistance Education and Training (G.R.E.A.T.) Officer Training (GOT) is a certification course strategically and sequentially designed to train participants in the fundamental aspects of the G.R.E.A.T. Program, how to effectively interact with the community and school system, and how to effectively and consistently implement and facilitate the middle school and elementary school curricula and the summer component.


Location:Detroit Public Safety Headquarters, Detroit, MI





Building an Effective Youth Council

September 11, 2pm ET


Tribes, schools, and community organizations can reap benefits by tapping the creative, enthusiastic, and insightful ideas and voices of young people. This Webinar will explore the powerful benefits of building an effective youth council by engaging and empowering youthvoices within your community. The nuts and bolts of how to set up a UNITY youth council will also be discussed, including presenting an overview of the National United National Indian Tribal Youth (UNITY) Network, examiningways to build an effective youth council, and providing resources to start a UNITY youth council.



Presenters include:

  • Jeri Brunoe, Brunoe Training and Consulting
  • Jared Ivins-Massey, UNITY Program Support Assistant and the National Congress of American Indians Youth Commission Member-at-Large





The Front Line Worker: Child Abuse and Injury Reconstruction with Jim Holler

September 11, 2pm ET


This Webinar will address the duties the investigating police officer and CPS worker as they begin to investigate a child abuse complaint and what forms of evidence should be collected in every case. Investigators will be provided with the essential information on the abuse and neglect of children, the dynamics of physical abuse, and the reconstruction and investigation of soft-tissue injuries.



Presenters include:

  • Chief Jim Holler:Former Chief of Police Liberty Township Police Department, Adams County, PA and expert consultant specializing in child abuse investigations.





Implementing Evidence-Based Services

September 17, 2pm ET


Is your jurisdiction looking to adopt evidence-based programs to better serve juvenile justice youth? Are you a provider looking to improve agency buy-in towards the evidence-based services you provide? Are you interested in learning how other jurisdictions implemented evidence-based services?This webinar, presented by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice, will explain how jurisdictions and providers can successfully implement evidence-based services in their juvenile justice system. Participants will learn about creating agency and customer buy-in; strategies to address funding and fidelity challenges; the experiences of other states; and how to embed evidence-based services in juvenile justice systems.



Presenters include:





Matching Service to Need - Exploring What "High-Risk, High-Need" Means for Family Drug Courts

September 18, 2pm ET


One of the most important decisions faced by each Family Drug Court is determining its target population and what resources are needed to serve them. What criteria should drive these decisions? A significant amount of research in the adult criminal drug court setting has addressed eligibility criteria and which populations these programs can serve most effectively - namely high-risk, high- need offenders. This workshop presentation will explore the "high-risk, high-need" principle and how this applies to FDCs. A working definition of these concepts will be offered along with implications on key FDC processes, including screening and assessment, staff training, and partnerships needed to provide the scope of services needed to match services to needs. This workshop will serve as a work-group discussion which will advance FDC policy and practice for the entire field going forward.



Presenters include:

  • Nancy K. Young,Ph.D., M.S.W, Director of Children and Family Futures
  • Douglas Marlowe, J.D., Ph.D,Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and former Director of the Division of Law & Ethics Research at the Treatment Research Institute (TRI).





Threat Assessment Strategies for Schools and Higher Education

September 23, 2pm ET


Presenters will provide an overview of threat assessment and management programs for both K-12 school and higher education campus settings, discuss key components for school/campus threat assessment strategies and programs, and discuss resources to meet standards of practice in threat assessment.



Presenters include:

  • Larry Borland, Chief of Security Academy School District 20 (Retired), Colorado Springs, CO
  • Major Gene Deisinger, Ph.D.,Deputy Chief of Police, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
  • Sabrina Rhodes, Project Specialist/Moderator,International Association of Chiefs of Police, Alexandria, VA




To view other upcoming events, visit
OJJDP's NTTAC Event Calendar.