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Keep Kids Smiling: Understanding Dental Neglect

Thursday, November 06, 2014

State Court Administrative Office Child Welfare Services Division presents: Keep Kids Smiling: Understanding Dental Neglect

November 14, 2014
10:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Participants will hear from practicing dentists on the topics of good oral health, common misconceptions regarding youth dental health, as well as signs of dental neglect. Representatives from the Michigan Oral Health Coalition and Michigan Primary Care Association will also share strategies for working with dental providers during an investigation and accessing dental services for youth.

Target Audience: CPS and Foster Care workers, private agencies, jurists, attorneys, LGALs, CASAs, prosecutors, and tribes.

Access the CWS website at: .
Select: “Keep Kids Smiling: Understanding Dental Neglect”

(for general assistance) Kate McPherson, Administrative Assistant, at (517) 373-5322 or
(for training content) Noah Bradow, Management Analyst, at (517) 373-2621 or

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