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Child Development and Responses to Child Sexual Abuse

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) presents an opportunity for training in: Child Development and Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Exploring Perspectives and Approaches for Planning, Placement, and Advocacy

This training will focus on issues of child development and working with children who have been sexually abused. Participants will learn about the stages and behaviors associated with normative child sexual development, indicators of sexual abuse, and strategies for appropriately responding to sexualized behavior. Participants will also learn about pediatric sexual assault examination protocols and strategies for working with children and families impacted by sexual abuse. Additionally, participants will receive information regarding infant mental health and the impact of trauma on child development.

When: August 21, 2014, 9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. 
Where: Adoba Hotel, Dearborn, MI 

Target Audience: All child welfare professionals, including court staff, jurists, prosecutors, attorneys, LGALs, CPS and foster care workers, tribes, and private agencies.

Featured speakers include national and Michigan experts: Karen Duncan, M.A., Ann Stacks, Ph.D., Amanda Taylor, DNP, Ret. Sgt. Scott Schuelke, and Valerie Simon, Ph.D.

Access the CWS website at:
Select “Child Development and Responses to Child Sexual Abuse: Exploring Perspectives and Approaches for Planning, Placement, and Advocacy”

For questions regarding the training content: Please contact Noah Bradow, Management Analyst, at (517) 373-2621 or
For general assistance: Please contact Kate McPherson, Administrative Assistant, at (517) 373-5322 or


To receive in-service training credit, your training facility coordinator must document completion on OTP/JJOLT. For questions regarding documentation of in-service training on OTP/JJOLT contact the Help Desk at or call (313) 465-2603.