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THIS-WIC Telehealth

Michigan WIC Agency received funding from FNS, administered by TUFTS University to pilot telehealth opportunities as a means of delivering services to WIC Clients. This video conferencing pilot will look to improve and/or remove barriers such as negative clinic experiences (long wait times or poor customer service), lost time from work (creating job risk and lost wages), inconvenient WIC clinic locations and appointment times, and lack of transportation. Implementing a pilot program in select local agencies to utilize technology would allow clients to connect with a WIC Registered Dietitian (RD) or an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).


Client Resources:

Telehealth Family Infographic (English)

Infografía a la telesalud (Español)

ONE Participant Brochure (English)

Bienvenidos a ONE (Español)


Other Telehealth Resources:

Google Meet Parent Virtual Meeting Guide

Microsoft Teams Parent Virtual Meeting Guide

Zoom Parent Virtual Meeting Guide Parent Virtual Meeting Guide

Local Agency Telehealth Guide


Introduction to Zoom Appointments with Subtitles Video

Introduction to Zoom Appointments with Subtitles

Introducción a las Citas de Zoom con Subtitles

Introducción a las Citas de Zoom con Subtitles Video
Tips for Zoom Appointments with Subtitles Video

Tips for Zoom Appointments with Subtitles

Consejos para Citas de Zoom con Subtitles

Consejos para Citas de Zoom con Subtitles Video