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Home Help Agency Providers

MDHHS Home Help Agencies serving Medicaid beneficiaries must begin to use EVV on and after July 1, 2024. Agencies are expected to prepare and train their caregivers on the EVV collection methods available. 

Home Help individual caregivers must use EVV for dates of service on and after September 3, 2024. Visit the Individual caregiver page to learn about your steps.

In addition to using EVV, Home Help providers must also continue to use their current service verification methods (CHAMPS Electronic Service Verification (ESV) Paper Service Verification (PSV), or MSA-1904 Home Help Agency Invoice). Payments will continue to be based on the data recorded on the current service verification methods until further notice. Details can be found in L Letter 24-38.

Home Help Agencies should complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form as a first step.

For questions regarding the HHAeXchange system visit the Michigan Information Center website at   

Timeline and Steps for Implementation Readiness

The following table offers a timeline and guidance in preparation for the July 1, 2024, EVV Home Help Agency providers, caregivers not employed by an Agency visit the Home Help Individual caregivers page. In preparation for EVV Home Help Agency providers should complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form.

Providers with an EVV solution may continue the use of the existing EVV system that meets state requirements and send visit data to the HHAeXchange system using electronic data interchange (EDI). Review the HHAeXchange Provider EDI Welcome Packet.

Step Expectations

Onboarding Form

All Home Help agencies must complete the HHAeXchange Provider Onboarding Form as soon as possible. This is where your agency will share which EVV option you have selected.


Informational Session

Home Help agency must watch the online informational session. Informational sessions were held on May 7, May 10, and May 13, 2024. Each session covered the key points and functionalities that will be available to providers in the HHAeXchange Provider Portal.

Review the recording and slide deck.

3 Learning Management System Access

The email address that completed the Provider Onboarding form will receive Learning Management System (LMS) login credentials via email starting May 21, 2024. The LMS contains videos, documents, and test questions to gain an understanding of the HHAeXchange Provider Portal. Emails sent from HHAeXchange may go to your junk or spam folder. Check those to make sure you receive communications. Note: LMS is not intended for caregivers as your Agency will provide training to caregivers.


4 Log in to your HHAeXchange Provider Portal

Agencies began receiving Provider Portal credentials sent via email beginning May 29, 2024. Provider Portal credentials to log in to the system and begin entering Agency service providers also known as caregivers. Ensure your provider portal is set up before go-live and work with your service providers to prepare them for EVV (i.e., download the mobile caregiver app and review the IVR phone instructions). Providers can also use the Support Center on their portal to search and review job aides and training material under the “Provider Portal Resource” page.

Provider portal


Webinar: System User Training

System User Training on the HHAeXchange Provider Portal were conducted from Thursday, May 30 to Wednesday, June 5, 2024. All information presented in the System User Training Webinars is available in the agency Learning Management System (LMS). Agencies that completed a provider onboarding form began receiving LMS credentials on Tuesday, May 21. Credentials were emailed to the primary contact listed on the provider onboarding form.


Webinar: Getting Started

Held on June 25, 2024, reviewed Go-Live preparedness tasks to ensure your Home Help Agency has all the needed information to successfully use the HHAeXchange System at Go-Live.


Go Live for Home Help Agency Providers

MDHHS Home Help Agency providers serving Medicaid beneficiaries must begin to use EVV for dates of service on and after July 1, 2024.

Providers can use the HHAeXchange Provider Portal to submit EVV-compliant visit information. Providers with an EVV system may continue the use of their existing EVV system that meets state requirements and sends visit data to the HHAeXchange system using electronic data interchange (EDI). Visit for more information.

Webinar: Open Hours

HHAeXchange will hold several “open hours” webinar sessions. Each session will include subject matter experts to address all questions and show demonstrations when appropriate. Agency providers can join anytime between the start and end time of the desired session date. Each session intends to allow time for providers to ask any outstanding questions. Home Help agency providers and EDI vendors are not required to stay for the full duration and may exit the webinar once questions have been answered.

*Note- it is highly recommended that the Learning Management System (LMS) training be completed before attending an Open Hours session.

Provider Enrollment Requirements

To standardize billing provider data in preparation for the launch of an EVV system in Michigan, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is updating its provider enrollment requirements for those providing Personal Care Services (PCS) that require EVV. Agencies and fiscal intermediaries (FIs) that pay direct care workers who provide PCS must obtain a National Provider Identifier (NPI) and enroll in the Community Health Automated Medicaid Processing System (CHAMPS).

The agency NPI should be entered in CHAMPS. If the NPI is not entered in CHAMPS, it will delay getting ready for EVV, including access to the HHAeXchange system. 

MMP 23-76  Update to Provider Enrollment of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)- Required Personal Care Services Providers.

  • Providers who need to apply for a National Provider Identifier (NPI) visit the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) website:
    • How to apply for an NPI:
    • NPPES help contact information: 1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free)  or 1-800-692-2326 (NPI TTY for the deaf, hard of hearing, or those with speech difficulties) or by email May be contacted Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (Eastern Time)*Holiday hours may vary.  Questions related to NPI legislation and regulation or other HIPAA-related matters cannot be answered by the Enumerator. 

Provider Contact Information

MDHHS utilizes provider email address information entered in the CHAMPS provider enrollment application to communicate with providers. Providers are responsible for maintaining accurate and valid email address information within their CHAMPS provider enrollment information. If the email address information is outdated or incorrect, enrolled providers will want to modify their enrollment information and submit it for approval.

For instructions on how to update or modify email addresses reference the Home Help webpage for Agency and Individual sections for step-by-step instructions.

Recorded Webinars