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2021 Alert Emails - Comprehensive List

Alert 1 January 5, 2021 email; Updated CSHCS Qualifying Diagnosis List
Alert 1 attachment - CSHCS ICD-10 codes FY21
Alert 2 January 11 email; LogistiCare Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Company Name Change
Alert 3 January 12 email; Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Mileage Rate Change
Alert 4 January 21 email; CSHCS Database Outage
Alert 5 February 11 email; CSHCS Database Outage
Alert 6 February 25 email; CSHCS Database Outage
Alert 7 March 4 email; COVID Vaccine Alert
Alert 8 March 9 email; Payment Agreement Guide Update
Alert 8 attachment - MSA-0738-B
Alert 9 April 12 email; Letters and Mailed Notification
Alert 10 April 14 email; Virtual 2021 CSHCS Annual Training
Alert 11 April 20 email; Transition Letter
Alert 12 April 26 email; Underinsured Letter
Alert 13 April 29 email; Underinsured Letter Update
Alert 14 May 27 email; CSHCS Database Slowness Update
Alert 14-2 June 2 email; CSHCS Database Slowness Update
Alert 15 June 7 email; Parent Connect Call: Disability Rights Michigan on July 14, 2021
Alert 15 attachment - Parent Connect Flyer 7-14-2021
Alert 16 June 7 email; Parent Mentor Training Saturday, June 26, 2021
Alert 16 attachment - Michigan Saturday Virtual PMT Flyer
Alert 17 September 1 email; FY22 CSHCS Qualifying Diagnosis Codes
Alert 17 attachment - CSHCS Qualifying Diagnosis ICD-10 COdes LHD FY22
Alert 18 September 14 email; MSAPAYS PO Box
Alert 19 November 15 email; Maternal Child Health Workgroup collaborative meeting with LHDs & MHPs
Alert 20 December 15 email; CSHCS Enroll-Recurring Paymnet Screen Examples