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CAC Operating Guidelines
The Mission of CSHCS
CSHCS strives to enable individuals with special health care needs to have improved health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life through the appropriate use of the CSHCS system of care.
Our goals are to:
- Assist individuals with special health care needs in accessing the broadest possible range of appropriate medical care, health education and supports.
- Assure delivery of these services and supports in an accessible, family centered, culturally competent, community based and coordinated manner.
- Promote and incorporate parent/professional collaboration in all aspects of the program.
- Remove barriers that prevent individuals with special health care needs from achieving these goals.
The Mission of the CSHCS Advisory Committee
The CSHCS Advisory Committee (CAC) makes recommendations and provides guidance to the CSHCS Division on program policy, effectiveness, operations, and awareness to assure that services reflect the voice of consumers, family members, and stakeholders in the system of care for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs.
Article I: Committee Organization
Section 1: Membership
Total Number of Members
There will be no minimum or maximum number of total members.
Ex-Officio Members
Ex-Officio members of the committee will include non-CSHCS State employees and may include (and not be limited to) staff from the Office of Medical Affairs, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration, Medical Services Administration, Department of Education, Early-On representatives, newborn screening and birth defects registry, and others. CSHCS State employees are not members or Ex-Officio members.
Consumer Representation
The CAC will maintain at least a minimum consumer representation of one-fourth (25%) of the total advisory committee membership. Should the percentage drop below one-fourth, the committee will actively recruit additional consumer representatives. Consumers are defined as parents and other caregivers of children and youth with special health care needs, adults enrolled in CSHCS, spouses of CSHCS enrollees, and youth or young adults with special health care needs that are transitioning or have transitioned from pediatric to adult systems of care. Consumers should also represent different geographic regions, races/ethnicities, family/client ages, and medical diagnoses and conditions.
Advocacy/Professional Representation
Advocacy and Professional representation will be identified from key stakeholders and partner organizations serving children and youth with special health care needs. Representatives will be identified in light of CSHCS condition prevalence, acuity, severity, and cost. Representatives should also be inclusive of different geographic regions, races/ethnicities, provider types, and service delivery types.
Section 2: Terms of Office
Terms of membership will be for three years. Terms will be staggered, with the term expiring in August. Each member will sign a member agreement at the beginning of their term and/or when membership requirements have been amended. If a member cannot fulfill all the responsibilities during the course of their term, as highlighted in the Member Responsibilities Agreement (see Section 7), the member may be released from the three year term early. Members may be re-appointed for additional terms.
Section 3: Quorum
A quorum for any meeting shall consist of a simple majority (1/2 plus 1) of the current membership.
Section 4: Election of the Co-Chairs
The committee shall consist of two chairs who shall be selected from members of the committee by a majority vote. One of the co-chairs must be a consumer. A state employee or ex-officio members cannot be a co-chair. Co-chairs shall serve two-year terms.
Section 5: Selection of new members to the committee
Committee members are appointed by the CSHCS Division Director.
Section 6: Duties of the Co-Chairs
The Co-Chairs will facilitate the Advisory Committee meetings, and in collaboration with the CSHCS Division Director and staff develop/finalize the meeting agenda. The Co-Chairs may also be consulted throughout the year if issues arise in between the regularly scheduled meetings, and may also participate in CSHCS Division Strategic Planning efforts.
Section 7: Responsibilities of the CSHCS Advisory Committee Members
- Support and maintain clarity of the mission, philosophy and service goals of CSHCS
- Support transparency in communication between the CSHCS program, consumers, advocates, and providers in the systems of care that serve children and youth with special health care needs
- Model an appreciation and respect for diversity, inclusiveness, and all beliefs and practices
- Identify strengths and gaps in the systems of care that serve children and youth with special health care needs to assure eligible individuals are identified and served
- Promote awareness of the CSHCS program to families, advocates, service providers, and/or communities
- Represent CSHCS Advisory Committee as a spokesperson when delegated to do so
- Bring experience, creativity, skills, and resources to CAC meetings
- Assist in identifying consumers to provide feedback to the CSHCS Division and the CAC as needed
- Represent a broader constituency and serve as a conduit to provide information to and from this broader constituency.
- Actively participate in committee work as needed
- Attend a majority of the meetings
Section 8: Orientation of Members:
The CSHCS Division in partnership with the CAC will provide a CSHCS orientation for all new members and periodic refreshers and updates for existing members.
Article II Meetings
Section 1: Meeting Location
Meetings will generally be held in downtown Lansing, unless otherwise noted by staff. Committee members will be notified of any location changes.
Section 2: Meeting Dates
Meetings will be scheduled at least quarterly. The CSHCS Division Director, in consultation with the Co-Chairs, can modify the meeting schedule when needed.
Section 3: Attendance
Members are expected to attend the CAC meetings. Although members are permitted to participate via teleconference or webinar if/when this method for participation is available, it is preferable that the member attends in person. Members unable to meet attendance expectations will be referred to the Membership Committee for review.
Section 4: Notice of Meetings and Meeting Agenda
Notice of meeting and a request for agenda items shall be sent to committee members approximately 3 weeks in advance of the scheduled meeting. Meeting agendas shall be sent to committee members at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled meeting dates. The meeting agenda containing a listing of each item of business intended for discussion at the meetings will be provided to members for consideration.
Section 5: Voting
The CAC will formalize decisions through a consensus model. A decision will not be made final unless all members support the decision. If agreement cannot be reached on an issue, a vote will be taken. In the event that a vote is needed, a simple majority will be needed to approve/finalize the decision. Each member will have one vote in the event that a vote is required. Proxy for voting can be given to each member’s or organization’s informed alternate.
Article III: Committee Operations
Section 1: Resignation
A member can resign at any time by giving notice to the CSHCS Division Director. Resignation shall be effective the date the notice is received or otherwise specified in the notice.
Section 2: Compensation and Reimbursement for Committee Members
Members who receive compensation and travel reimbursement through their employer or organization are not eligible for compensation or travel reimbursement from CSHCS for participation on the Advisory Committee or CAC subcommittees. CSHCS is committed to removing barriers that prevent members from participating. Travel reimbursement is available for members that do not have the opportunity to receive travel reimbursement from their employer or the organization that s/he represents. Compensation beyond travel reimbursement will be provided to eligible individuals based on guidelines set forth by the CSHCS Division and the Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and contingent upon the availability of funds. These guidelines will be based on current standards for engaging and compensating consumer representatives.
Section 3: Subcommittees
Membership Committee
The membership committee is charged to review CAC representation and participation. This permanent committee will consist of at least four members named by the Co-Chairs. The membership committee will review member participation and make recommendations to the CSHCS Division Director when members have been unable to meet CAC expectations or participation requirements. The membership committee will also make recommendations each year regarding CAC representation, membership renewal, and new members. The membership committee will be appointed each spring, approximately 5 to 6 months prior to the August end date for member terms.
Ad Hoc Committees
The CAC will utilize the ad hoc work group approach when as issue warrants work outside the full committee.
Section 4: Conflict of Interest
Members who have a personal or professional conflict of interest with regard to a particular business matter of the CAC will declare this conflict at the onset of this business matter being discussed. Members with a conflict of interest will excuse themselves from any vote on topics that relate to this conflict.
Article IV: Relationship with Other Committees
Section 1: Children with Special Needs (CSN) Fund Advisory Committee
The CSN Fund is administered by the CSHCS Division, in consultation with the CSN Fund Advisory Committee. Although the CSN Fund Advisory Committee is an independent committee, there is a strong and symbiotic relationship with the CAC. A CSN Fund Advisory Committee representative may be seated as a member on the CAC, and periodic reports shall be provided on the CSN Fund to the CSHCS Advisory Committee.
Section 2: CSHCS Local Health Department Advisory Committee (CLAC)
Given the prominent role for Local Health Departments (LHDs) in administering CSHCS in communities across the state, a committee comprised of LHDs has been established by the CSHCS Division to assure timely communication and feedback to the CSHCS Division on program operation issues. The Local Health Department representative on CAC should provide periodic updates to the CAC on CLAC.
Section 3: Other Committees
The CAC may establish relationships with other committees or groups which focus on children and youth with special health care needs, or with committees or groups which focus on adults served by CSHCS.
Article V: Children’s Special Health Care Services Staff
Section 1: Role of the CSHCS Staff as relates to the CAC
The CSHCS Staff shall provide technical support to the committee. Staff will provide reports, data, or other available information necessary for the committee to make recommendations or decisions. Staff will prepare meeting minutes/notes, meeting materials, and other information for the committee’s review.
Periodic status updates on CSHCS Division activities will be provided at CAC meetings. In addition, regular updates from the Family Center, CSN Fund, CSHCS operations, and CSHCS policy will be given.
Approved October 21, 2014; Revised October 18, 2016