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Fostering Health Partnerships

The Fostering Health Partnerships project team held Learning Collaborative events across the state of Michigan from January 1, 2018 to January 6, 2020.

During Learning Collaborative events key local/regional stakeholders worked to:

  • Improve coordination between MDHHS and primary care, mental health, oral health providers and other partners involved in the well-being of children in foster care.
  • Address barriers to care coordination for children in the foster care system.
  • Help organizations and health care providers to understand how state child welfare policy affects in their day to day activities that support children in foster care.

To ensure that the efforts of local/regional teams will continue to serve the health and well-being needs of children in foster care, MDHHS created this site to:

  • provide easy access to information and tools needed to provide health and mental health services to children in foster care
  • share information and resources in each community.

MDHHS will review and update this site quarterly.

The Fostering Health Partnerships project has been supported through a grant from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. The Fostering Health Partnerships team includes MDHHS, the Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Association for Children’s Mental Health and the Michigan Public Health Institute.

Fostering Health Partnerships: Summary and Outcomes