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Immunization Information for Healthcare Providers and Local Health Departments

Immunization Information for Healthcare Providers and Local Health Departments

Immunization information for healthcare providers and local health departments.

a clipboard and a stethoscope

Clinical Resources

Click here for clinical resources including forms, quick looks, VIS sheets, and more.

viruses under a magnifying glass and a vaccine vial

Diseases and Vaccines

Find information, VIS sheets, educational materials, reporting guidelines, and more by disease.

a newspaper


Updates from MDHHS on vaccines and vaccine-preventable diseases.

Girl smiling with bandaid on arm

Vaccines for Children Program (VFC)

Administrative information for VFC Program providers and LHDs.

woman in orange shirt smiling with bandaid on arm

Michigan Adult Vaccine Program   (MI-AVP)

Administrative information for MI-AVP Program providers and LHDs.

A magnifying glass looking at viruses on a liver

Perinatal Hepatitis B Vaccine Program

Administrative information for Perinatal Hep B Program providers.

a vaccine vial on top of a pile of books

Vaccine Confidence and Education

Guidance and tools for effective health education. 

Books of various sizes and colors on a shelf

Provider Education

Vaccination education for providers including conferences, continuing education, INE program, and webinars.

computer screen online shopping cart

Order Immunization Brochures

Order MDHHS Informational Brochures from the MDHHS Clearinghouse.

a digital thermometer and a mosquito

Yellow Fever Vaccine Provider Program

Information for current and prospective Yellow Fever Vaccine Program providers.

a young person walking with an older person

Long Term Care

Immunization information for long term care facilities.

a pharmacy storefront


Immunization information for pharmacists.