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Hearing and Vision Program,

I am writing to you in your capacity as the Coordinator of the Hearing and Vision Program for Wayne County and in follow up to our telephone conversation of February 26, 2010 regarding my daughter Samantha. As you may remember, Samantha is a kindergarten student. On January 5, 2010, your office performed a routine kindergarten hearing screen on Samantha, which showed evidence of moderate mixed hearing loss on the right. At the recommendation of the County (your offices) we followed up with audiology and ENT and have implemented an educational assessment for school.

On February 18, 2010 while consulting with the U of M audiology and ENT departments, a temporal bone CT Scan was ordered to assess the possibility of an LVA (large vestibular aqueduct) and rule out Pendred Syndrome. The CT Scan came back showing evidence of an LVA on the right only, which ruled out Pendred Syndrome (as the LVA would be bilateral) and confirmed that we will probably continue to see progressive hearing loss in Samantha's right ear. Thankfully, the left ear only has mild conductive loss.

(Un)fortunately, the CT Scan also showed signs of mass effect in the area of the brainstem. The U of M ENT who treated Samantha consulted a neurosurgeon at Mott and ordered an MRI. On March 1st Samantha had the MRI and my husband and I met with the pediatric neurosurgeon on March 2nd. A cerebellopontine angle mass was identified; our 6 year old daughter indeed has a brain tumor. Samantha is scheduled for brain surgery on the 29th of March at U of M to attempt to have the mass removed.

I don't even know where to start to thank you and your staff for your program. We thank you first for identifying a hearing loss we were not aware of. Great measures have already been made in Sammy's classroom to accommodate her hearing loss, including the placement of FM amplification. Second, right now the prognosis for Samantha's brain tumor is very good...without your program there never would have been a CT Scan and the discovery of the tumor may not have happened until significant damage had occurred. It goes without saying that your program has made a monumental impact on our family and the future of our 6 year old daughter. I truly do not know how to thank you and your staff; but please know the technicians will forever have a very special place in our hearts.

The value of the Hearing and Vision Program you administer is priceless. Our family is an example of how a program such as yours can save the life of a beautiful child.

I have attached a photograph of Samantha and will keep you apprised as she goes through her surgery and recovery in the coming weeks.

God Bless!

Lee Ann