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School Wellness Program

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The School Wellness Program (SWP) is aimed at achieving the best possible physical, intellectual, and emotional health status by providing services for children and adolescents ages 3 through 21 years. The School Wellness Program pairs a full-time RN with a mental health provider to provide a range of health and support services based on a needs assessment of the target population/community and approved by the community advisory council.  SWP’s are located on school property and provide services in no more than two school buildings. Refer to the Minimum Program Requirements for an extensive list of services provided.

*By state law, no contraceptives are prescribed, dispensed, or distributed in School Wellness Programs; and abortion counseling, services and/or referrals are not allowed in any SWP.

SWP Reporting Resources

SWP Quarterly Reporting Definitions

SWP Site Review Resources
SWP Site Review Tool

SWP Program Requirement Resources
SWP Minimum Program Requirements

General SWP Program Resources
SWP Site Map (as of March 1, 2024)

kids gathered in hallway