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State Health Assessment

Our Vision:
Michigan will be a state with safe, connected, healthy, and vibrant communities, where every person is valued. Those who live, learn, work, play, and age in Michigan will have trust in, and equitable access to, services and safe environments that support a healthy life.


The 2024 Michigan State Health Assessment (SHA) Focus Group Summary Report is now published.

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) is committed to the effort to keep the SHA findings updated and report on themes and issues that communities deem relevant. In 2024, MDHHS focused on qualitative feedback and data. The Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI) engineered and facilitated focus groups and collected the feedback from Michiganders throughout the state. The focus groups were designed to learn the perspective of each community. These findings are compiled in this report.

In June 2019, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) Public Health Administration launched a State Health Assessment (SHA) designed to help determine how healthy Michigan's residents were overall, what health conditions caused the greatest impact in the state, what factors contributed to those challenges, and what existing resources could be mobilized to address the health needs within the state.

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic posed obstacles to the continuation of public health work as we faced COVID-19 in our personal lives. Michigan’s public health system was put through the greatest test, serving the communities in a health crisis and completing the Assessment.  In recognition of this, an addendum was created to refresh the work that was stalled as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The 2021 Michigan State Health Assessment (SHA) is a comprehensive, statewide assessment report about the state of our health as Michiganders. MDHHS and stakeholders from across the state worked to identify strengths and needs in Michigan’s public health system to develop strategic priorities.

The SHA identified the populations most affected by various health risks and outcomes and the possible causes for those disparate impacts, spanning every facet of daily life, from what we eat and where we live, to how we interact in our community. This comprehensive view of our successes and our challenges offers a vital tool for improving health at every opportunity.

MDHHS used Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP) as the framework to guide the State Health Assessment. MAPP is a participatory strategic planning process for improving public health. This framework helped organizers and participants prioritize Michigan's public health issues, identify resources for addressing them, and determine the best plan of action to drive change in Michigan’s public health system.

Please join us in continuing the dialogue as we work to shape the State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP). We all envision a healthier, more equitable Michigan alongside you.

  ▶ Michigan State Health Assessment – 2021 Full ReportPDF icon (October 2023)

  ▶ Michigan State Health Assessment – 2022 AddendumPDF icon (October 2023)

Questions about the 2019 Michigan State Health Assessment, the 2021 SHA report, and the 2022 SHA Addendum process? Please contact MDHHS Office of Performance Improvement and Management Manager Jennifer Schuette, MPH, at

Please note: For those who are interested, we have archived our 2019 Michigan State Health Assessment Call to Action and other related information at