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The mihealth card
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The mihealth card ("my health") is a permanent plastic identification card. You will get a mihealth card (if you do not have one already) if you have Michigan Medicaid, Emergency Medicaid, or Children's Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) benefits. The mihealth card replaced the monthly Medicaid blue paper card.
DO NOT THROW YOUR MIHEALTH CARD AWAY. Keep your mihealth card even if you receive a letter saying you lost your benefits. If you become eligible again in the future, you will use the same mihealth card.
mihealth Card Topics
Click the following links for more information:
- mihealth card Question and Answers
- When will I get a mihealth card?
- Facts about the mihealth card
- Deductible beneficiaries
- mihealthcard replacements for lost, stolen or damaged cards
- MI Medicaid Health Plan Information
- Need more information?
mihealth card - Questions and Answers:
Q: Who will get a mihealth card? A: Michigan Medicaid (including Emergency Medicaid), and (CSHCS) beneficiaries.
Q: All of my children have Medicaid benefits. Will they all get their own mihealth card? A : Yes, they will all get their own mihealth card with their name and ID number on the front of the card .
Q: If I'm enrolled in a Medicaid Health Plan will I get a mihealth card? A: Yes, you will get a mihealth card. You will also get a health plan card from your health plan (if you do not have one already).
Q: Who do I call when I need a new mihealth card when my card is lost, stolen or damaged? A: Click here for the answer.
Q: If I have a Deductible, will I get a mihealth card? A: No. When you become eligible for Medicaid after meeting your Deductible amount, you will get a mihealth card in the mail (if you don't have one already). Do not throw this card away. You will use the same card if you become eligible again in the future. You will not get a new card.
Q: How long should I keep the mihealth card? A: Do not throw this card away. Keep this card even if you receive a letter saying you lost your benefits. If you become eligible again in the future, you will use the same card. You will not get a new card.
Q: Does my mihealth card tell me if I'm eligible for Medicaid like the blue paper cards? A: No. The mihealth cards will only have your name and ID number on the front of the card . The mihealth card does not have information about your Medicaid benefits.
Q: How will my doctor know if I have Medicaid or CSHCS benefits? A: Your doctor will use your mihealth card to find out if you're eligible for benefits. Always take your mihealth card (and your health plan card if enrolled in a health plan) with you when you visit the doctor, pharmacy, hospital, or other medical provider.
Q: Will my Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) caseworker send me a letter when my Medicaid case is opened? Or if I lose my Medicaid benefits? A : Yes. You should receive a letter telling you if your benefits were approved or if you lost your benefits.
- Q: Can I call my MDHHS caseworker if I have any questions about my Medicaid case? A: Yes. Click here to find your local MDHHS office address and phone number. Make sure you have your ID number or case number before you call.
Q: Who can I call for information on my Medicaid Health Plan? A: Call the Beneficiary Help Line at 1-800-642-3195.
When will I get a mihealth card?
A mihealth card will be mailed to you (if you do not have one already) when your application for Michigan Medicaid (including Emergency Medicaid), and/or CSHCS is approved .

You should get your mihealth card in the mail in about a week after your Medicaid or CSHCS case is opened.
If you have a guardian, your mihealth card will be mailed to the guardian.
Each Medicaid or CSHCS beneficiary will get their own mihealth card.
Do not throw your mihealth card away. Even if you receive notice that you're no longer eligible for benefits.
- If you become eligible again in the future, you will use the same card. You will not get a new card.
If you did not receive your mihealth card or if it is lost, stolen or damaged, call the Beneficiary Help Line at 1-800-642-3195.
Facts about the mihealth card:
The mihealth card does not indicate your eligibility information.
The MDHHS will notify you by mail when you're approved or denied benefits and/or when you lose your benefits.
Take your mihealth card with you when you visit the doctor, pharmacy, hospital or other medical provider.
Your Provider will use your mihealth card to verify your eligibility.
If you are enrolled in a Medicaid Health Plan, you will receive a mihealth card and a health plan card from your health plan (if you do not have one already).
- Beginning on July 1st, Spend-down is now called Deductible .
- When you become eligible for Medicaid after meeting your deductible amount, you will get a mihealth card in the mail (if you don't have one already).
- The MDHHS will notify deductible beneficiaries by mail when they become eligible for Medicaid.
If you did not receive your mihealth card or if it is lost, stolen or damaged, please contact the Beneficiary Help Line at 1-800-642-3195.
When you receive your new mihealth card, your old mihealth card will not work .
- Please contact your MDHHS caseworker if your name and/or address have changed.
- Report NAME CHANGES and ADDRESS CHANGES to your MDHHS caseworker. A mihealth card can not be issued until these changes are reported to your MDHHS worker.
- Click here to find your local MDHHS office phone number.
MI Medicaid Health Plan Information
Most people who get Medicaid must join a Health Plan .
Health Plans provide Medicaid-covered health care services for an enrolled group of beneficiaries in a defined service area .
- After your Medicaid case is opened, Michigan ENROLLS* will contact you about your Health Plan choices.
- When you join a Health Plan, the Health Plan will send you a plan handbook and a health plan card.
- Take your Health Plan card and mihealth card with you when you visit the doctor, pharmacy, hospital or other medical provider.
- Your Provider will use your Health Plan card and mihealth card to verify your Medicaid eligibility.
Contact your Medicaid Health Plan for the following:
To change your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
If you received a medical bill for dates that your were enrolled in a Health Plan
Medical transportation
Health Plan complaints and questions
To see if you are a member
*Michigan ENROLLS can:
Tell you which doctors, pharmacies and hospitals are part of each Medicaid health plan.
Answer general questions you may have about Medicaid benefits.
Enroll you in the Medicaid Health Plan you choose.
For more information, call Michigan ENROLLS at 1-888-367-6557.
mihealth card
mihealth card replacements, call 1-800-642-3195
Click here for the mihealth card information insert
mihealth card questions, call 1-800-642-3195
Or Click here to e-mail your questions to Beneficiary Support
Click here for more information about Medicaid
Click here for other Medicaid and Health Care brochures
Medicaid questions, call the Beneficiary Help line at 1-800-642-3195
Michigan Medicaid Health Plan Information
To enroll in a Medicaid Health Plan, call Michigan ENROLLS at 1-888-367-6557
Click here to view a guide to Michigan Medicaid health plans, including ratings.
Click here for a list of Medicaid Health Plans & where they operate
Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
Click here for the MDHHS website
Health Department Listing
Beneficiary Help Line
Please call 1-800-642-3195