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Parenting Awareness


Parenting Awareness Michigan is a year-round statewide campaign to promote awareness, education, and resources - through state outreach and local efforts - emphasizing the importance of effective parenting in nurturing children to become healthy, caring and contributing citizens. Parenting Awareness Month is celebrated in March of each year.

Parenting materials such as packets, posters, and bookmarks with parenting tips, and technical assistance, are provided to involve communities in the Parenting Awareness Michigan initiative.

Many communities have formed Parenting Awareness Month coalitions in an effort to bring diverse people and resources together, for a focused and systematic approach to increasing parenting education and involvement in the community. Information, assistance, and opportunities to connect with local efforts are provided through Prevention Network; visit their website at or contact them at 1-800-968-4968.


  • Draw public attention to the critical importance of effective parenting across the lifespan.
  • Raise awareness that everyone benefits from parent education and support.
  • Promote education and resources for developing parenting skills.
  • Raise awareness that effective parenting is a key factor in alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention.
  • Encourage and assist in the development of parent networks.
  • Celebrate the month of March as Parenting Awareness Month, and promote locally planned events in March and throughout the year focused on parenting.


Prevention Network Parenting Materials
Materials include: PAM Planning; information about use of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs; Positive Parenting, Child Development; and other resources.

Michigan Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking (MCRUD)

Stop Underage Drinking -

Parents, the Anti-drug

SAMHSA, Keeping Your Teens Drug Free – A Family Guide

SAMHSA, Building Blocks for a Healthy Future
Info for parents/caregivers of children ages 3-6.

SAMHSA, Too Smart to Start
Info for parents/caregivers of children ages 9-19.

The Cool Spot

Info for adults working with middle-school ages.

NIAAA, College Drinking Prevention

Drug Free Action Alliance