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Supported Decision Making


Supported Decision-Making is an approach that encourages individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) to make their own life decisions with support from family, friends, and trusted individuals. 

Parents of children with I/DD frequently wonder what will happen to their son or daughter when they are gone, and how important decisions about their lives will be made. Supported Decision-Making allows people with I/DD to receive the support they need and want to understand the situations and choices they face while maintaining control of their rights. 


Supported Decision-Making Toolkit

Your Life, Your Choice

A resource designed for all people, that recognizes their uniqueness and individuality and helps them, their families, and those who support them, throughout their lifespan to make decisions.

Presented by: Members of the Supported Decision-Making Coalition. 

View the Supported Decision-Making Toolkit

Supported Decision-Making Coalition

Since 2017, MiDDC has collaborated with the statewide, Supported Decision-Making Coalition. The Coalition is made up of representatives from a variety of agencies and disability advocacy organizations across the state.  

The Coalition’s Education Workgroup has developed educational materials and resources that families can use as they think about decision-making for their loved ones.

The Coalition's Public Policy Workgroup tracks, reviews, and addresses legislation concerning guardianship and Supported Decision-Making as bills are proposed.

Thank you to all Coalition members for your time and talents to help make the educational resources on this website available.

If you would like to join a meeting of the Coalition, please contact Mary Shehan.

Your Life, Your Choice Video

As young people with I/DD approach adulthood, families have a difficult decision: Should I pursue guardianship for my child?

Supported Decision-Making is an alternative to guardianship focused on the practice of self-determination. It mirrors how all adults make decisions by recognizing that people with I/DD have the right to make their own decisions about their lives.

The Your Choice, Your Life video explores the concept of Supported Decision-Making in greater detail.


Click here to watch the Your Choice, Your Life video.

Supported Decision Making Summit

Logo for Supported Decision Making Summit Part 1

SDM Summit Part 1

The first part of this summit focuses on the purpose of Supported Decision Making and how Supported Decision Making is an alternative to guardianship.

Click here to watch Part 1
Logo for Supported Decision Making Summit Part 2

SDM Summit Part 2

The second part of this summit focuses on the need for Supported Decision Making and how it affects the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  

Click here to watch Part 2
Logo for Supported Decision Making Summit Part 3

SDM Summit Part 3

The final part of the summit discusses the person-centered approach and ways to support individuals with I/DD to make autonomous decisions about their lives.

Click here to watch Part 3