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Central Registry Clearance Requests

Michigan’s Central Registry is a repository of names of individuals who are identified as perpetrators related to a central registry case. For information on Notification of Central Registry Placement and Due Process Rights, visit the Central Registry website at: Central Registry (

IMPORTANT: Effective November 1, 2022, there will be significant changes to Michigan’s central registry. only confirmed cases of methamphetamine production, confirmed serious abuse or neglect, confirmed sexual abuse, or confirmed sexual exploitation will be classified as a central registry case in Michigan. Individuals may have child welfare history that resulted in central registry placement previously, but that would no longer meet the criteria. In addition, selec criminal convictions involving children will result in placement on central registry. Statutory language outlining these changes, among others, can be found on the Michigan Legislature’s website.

Confidentiality of Central Registry Information 

Central Registry information is confidential; therefore, by law, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) cannot provide this information to anyone other than those listed in the Child Protection Law (MCL 722.627-722.627j). The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act requires states to check any child abuse and neglect registry on any prospective foster and adoptive parent and other adults living in a prospective foster and adoptive parent's home. Any information released under the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act must not be used for any other purpose. 


Select the option that best applies to you:

Section I. Child Care Organizations (CCOs)/ Child Caring Institutions (CCIs) 
Section II. Michigan Residents
Section III. Non-Michigan Residents
Section IV. Employers and Volunteer Agencies
Section V. Child Placing Agencies-Investigation History/Report Requests
Section VI. Trial Court Central Registry Placement or Removal


Section I. Child Care Organizations (CCOs)/ Child Caring Institutions (CCIs)  

Child Care Organizations as defined in the Child Care Organizations Act 116 of 1973: "Child care organization" means a governmental or nongovernmental organization having as its principal function receiving minor children for care, maintenance, training, and supervision, notwithstanding that educational instruction may be given. Child care organization includes organizations commonly described as child caring institutions, child placing agencies, children's camps, children's campsites, children's therapeutic group homes, child care centers, day care centers, nursery schools, parent cooperative preschools, foster homes, group homes, or child care homes.

Michigan Child Care Family Homes, Child Care Group Homes and Child Care Centers      

The following individuals connected to a licensed child care provider must have a comprehensive background check, including FBI fingerprints:

  • Applicants/Licensees
  • Licensee designees
  • Program directors
  • Child care staff members
  • Unsupervised volunteers
  • Adult household members in child care homes

A central registry clearance is completed at the time of a Child Care Background Check, conducted by the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). For further information regarding child care background checks, visit LARA’s Child Care Background Check website at

Providers with questions regarding to the need for additional central registry clearances should contact their licensing consultant at LARA. 

NOTE:  If seeking a central registry clearance for employment at an Out-of-state daycare, visit: Employers and Volunteer Agencies section IV, herein this website.

Camp Organizations and Children’s Campsites             

Camp staff/volunteers (21 years or older) requesting a Central Registry clearance must complete the Request for Central Registry Clearance Form and submit it the Department of Lifelong, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP). Children’s camp organizations may also submit the request on behalf of the employee/volunteer.

Mail, Fax, or Email all requests to:

P.O. Box 30315
Lansing, MI 48909

Fax: 517-763-0233
Phone: 517-284-9730

Michigan Contracted Residential Institution Facilities

MDHHS contracted licensed residential foster care institutions requesting a background check that includes a central registry clearance for licensure, employment, and annual verifications, complete Licensing Record Clearance Request, Child Caring Institute Staff, CWL-1326-CCI-Staff form and submit to the Division of Child Welfare and Licensing’s (DCWL’s) email:

Michigan Non-Contracted Residential Institution Facilities

Non-contracted residential foster care institutes requesting a background check that includes a central registry clearance must complete the following:  For a background check, complete, Children’s Protective Services History Review Request form, CWL-4624  and submit to the Division of Child Welfare and Licensing’s (DCWL’s) email:

Michigan Child Placing Agencies (CPAs)                                          

In-state child placing agencies child care organizations requesting a background check, that includes a central registry clearance for purposes of employment/volunteer and/or placement, complete Children’s Protective Services History Review Request form, CWL-4624  and submit to the Division of Child Welfare and Licensing’s (DCWL’s) email:

Out-of-State Adoption and Foster Home Screening    

The Division of Child Welfare Licensing (DCWL) will conduct Central Registry clearances for out-of-state agencies for the following purposes:

1) Licensing foster homes.
2) Adoption screening.

All requests must come from the child placing agency working with the foster or adoptive applicant. The request must be in writing on the requester's letterhead stating the reason for the request (example: foster home licensing, adoptive placement, etc.) and must include all of the following:

1) Name and title of individual requesting the information.
2) Contact information (phone, fax numbers, email address, etc.)
3) Name of the individuals you are requesting to be cleared.
4) The individual your agency is requesting to be cleared must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 or Central Registry Clearance Request (Spanish) - DHS-1929-SP form that provides authorization for MDHHS to complete the requested clearance. All submissions must include the applicant’s valid driver's license.
5) The attached 1929(s) must accompany the agency request.

Requests can be emailed to the following:

NOTE:  If seeking a central registry clearance for employment at an Out-of-state employer and volunteer agency, visit: Employers and Volunteer Agencies section IV, herein this website.


Section II. Michigan Residents

Michigan residents who are requesting a central registry clearance on themselves must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 form. Submit the completed DHS-1929 form, along with a copy of your legal photo ID, to your local MDHHS office.

Contact Details: MDHHS office in the county

Spanish and Arabic DHS-1929 forms:

NOTE: If seeking a central registry clearance to work or volunteer in a camp organization or children’s campsites complete a MiLEAP-001 form, visit: Child Care Organizations (CCOs)/Child Caring Institutions (CCIs) section I, herein this website.

Wyatt’s Law

Effective November 1, 2022, Public Act 64 of 2022 (Wyatt’s Law) provides that a parent or other person responsible for a child, who has reason to believe another caregiver may place that child at risk, may receive confirmation of central registry placement of that caregiver.

If the requester has an active Friend of the Court case, the request must be processed through Friend of the Court:

  • The requester must complete the DHS-1929-W or DHS-1929-W SP form, including the name of the individual being cleared, their address, the individual’s date of birth, and their social security number, if known.
  • The requester must submit the completed form to the local Friend of the Court office.
  • If approved, the results will be issued to the requester.

If the requester does not have an active Friend of the Court case:

  • The requester must complete the DHS-1929-W or DHS-1929-W SP form, including the name of the individual being cleared, their address, the individual’s date of birth, and their social security number, if known
  • If approved, the results will be issued to the requester.

Note: Incomplete requests or requests that do not meet statutory requirements will not be processed.



Section III. Non-Michigan Residents  

Non-Michigan residents who are requesting a central registry clearance on themselves must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 form. Submit the completed DHS-1929 form, along with a copy of your legal photo ID, to Out-of-State Central Registry.

Mail, Fax, or Email all requests to:

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
Children's Protective Services Program
P.O. Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909

Fax: 517-763-0280
Phone: 517-335-3704

Spanish and Arabic DHS-1929 forms:

*MDHHS strives to protect client confidentiality. If using email to communicate with MDHHS, please encrypt the email to protect the client’s information. If encryption is not available, please mail or fax the request.


Section IV. Employers and Volunteer Agencies 

Michigan-Based Employers and Volunteer Agencies

Michigan-based employers and volunteer agencies requesting a Central Registry clearance on an employee/volunteer or potential employee/volunteer must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 form. Each employee/volunteer or potential employee/volunteer must sign this form indicating they are authorizing a Central Registry clearance request, and provide a copy of their legal photo ID. Submit the completed DHS-1929 to the MDHHS office in the county where the employer or volunteer agency is located. 

Contact Details: MDHHS office in the county

Spanish and Arabic DHS-1929 forms:

NOTE: If the Michigan agency is requesting a Central Registry clearance on an employee/volunteer or potential employee/volunteer who resides out-of-state, submit the DHS-1929, along with a legal photo ID, to Out-of-State Central Registry either by *email at, or mail or fax:

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
Children's Protective Services Program
P.O. Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909

Fax: 517-763-0280

Out-of-State Employer and Volunteer Agencies

Out-of-state employer and volunteer agencies requesting a Central Registry clearance on an employee/volunteer or potential employee/volunteer must complete the Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929 form. Each employee/volunteer or potential employee/volunteer must sign this form indicating they are authorizing a Central Registry clearance request and provide a copy of their legal photo ID. Submit the completed DHS-1929 to the Out-of-State Central Registry either by mail, fax, or email.

Mail, Fax, or Email all requests to:

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services 
Children's Protective Services Program
P.O. Box 30037
Lansing, MI 48909

Fax: 517-763-0280
Phone: 517-335-3704

Spanish and Arabic DHS-1929 forms:

*MDHHS strives to protect client confidentiality. If using email to communicate with MDHHS, please encrypt the email to protect the client’s information. If encryption is not available, please mail or fax the request.

NOTE: Out-of-state agencies seeking a foster care and/or adoption screening, visit section 1, herein this website.


Section V. Child Placing Agencies-Investigation History/Report Requests

Agencies investigating a report of known or suspected child abuse or neglect, may request either the history or reports pertaining to alleged or known perpetrators or victims.

For more information visit the below listed websites based on your agency location:

Out-of-State Agency

In-State of Michigan Agency

Section VI. Trial Court Central Registry Placement or Removal  


For trial court requests for central registry placement or removal in relation to a criminal conviction that occurred on or after November 1, 2022, complete the MDHHS-6023, Request for Central Registry Placement or Removal form and send the form, along with the Order of Conviction (Judgement of Sentence) or the Order Granting the Request for Removal, to