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Crimson Holdings, LLC

A street view of Crimson Holdings in Adrian, Michigan
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Crimson Holdings, LLC


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Crimson Holdings, LLC (Crimson Holdings) is located at 1336 East Maumee Street in Adrian, Michigan. In December 2021, the company took over an existing milk processing plant and began processing eggs for the pet food industry. Soon after, local and state agencies began to receive odor complaints about operations at the company.  Industrial processes at the facility are subject to state and federal air quality rules and regulations. Crimson Holdings must comply with air quality rules and regulations, have air permits, and have regular inspections by EGLE staff. EGLE staff conduct complaint investigations when warranted.  EGLE has been actively working with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as local partners on the ongoing work at Crimson Holdings.


  • March 2024: A violation notice as issued on March 12, 2024, for odors of sufficient intensity, frequency, and duration to constitute a violation of Rule 901(b) .  The company must respond by April 21, 2024.
  • Marzo 2024: Un aviso de infracción emitido el 12 de marzo de 2024 por olores de suficiente intensidad, frecuencia y duración para constituir una violación de la Regla 901(b).  La empresa debe responder antes del 21 de abril de 2024.
  • January 2024: Final decisions have been made on two air quality actions, including:
    • Air permit application (No. APP-2023-0141) for the installation of an air pollution control device called a packed bed scrubber. This equipment is intended to reduce odors from the existing spray dryer used to manufacture powdered eggs. The air permit has been issued as Permit to Install No. 38-06A. The only change made was to show that the scrubber has been installed and is operating.
    • An enforcement action called a consent order. The consent order requires a plan to return to compliance, a monetary penalty, and additional fines for any future violations. This consent order will be entered into without changes.
  • Enero 2024: Se han tomado decisiones finales sobre dos acciones de calidad del aire, que incluyen:
    • La solicitud de permiso de aire (n°. APP-2023-0141) para la instalación de un dispositivo de control de contaminación del aire denominado depurador de lecho fijo. Este equipo tiene como finalidad reducir los olores del atomizador de secado utilizado para fabricar huevos en polvo. Se ha expedido el permiso de aire como un Permiso de Instalación n°. 38-06A. El único cambio que se hizo fue demostrar que el depurador ha sido instalado y está en funcionamiento.
    • La orden de consentimiento requiere un plan para volver al estado de cumplimiento, una multa monetaria y multas adicionales por futuras violaciones. Esta orden de consentimiento será admitida sin cambios.
    • December 2023: The informational session and public hearing were held on December 6, 2023. A recording is available in English and Spanish. If viewing in Spanish, be sure to click the "world" icon and select Spanish as your preferred language. You may also download the presentation. As a reminder, the public comment period on both the proposed air permit and the proposed enforcement action will remain open until midnight on January 8, 2024.

      La sesión informativa y la audiencia pública se realizaron el 6 de diciembre. La grabación está disponible en inglés y en español. Si desea verla en español, haga clic en el icono "mundo" y seleccione español como idioma de preferencia. También puede descargar la presentación.  Recordamos que el periodo de comentarios públicos tanto sobre la propuesta de permiso de aire como sobre la propuesta de medida de ejecución permanecerá abierto hasta la medianoche del 8 de enero de 2024.
    • November 2023: The Air Quality Division (AQD), is asking for comments from the public on two actions related to Crimson Holdings, LLC (Crimson Holdings), a proposed Permit to Install (PTI), and proposed enforcement action. The AQD will accept comments on these proposed actions until the close of the comment period on January 8, 2024. We will review all comments before we make a final decision on the proposals. Comments may be submitted in writing, via voicemail, or at the virtual public hearing on December 6, 2023.

      La División de Calidad del Aire (AQD, por sus siglas en inglés) solicita comentarios del público sobre dos medidas relacionadas con Crimson Holdings, LLC (Crimson Holdings), un permiso de instalación (PTI, por sus siglas en inglés) propuesto y una medida de aplicación propuesta. La AQD aceptará comentarios sobre estas medidas propuestas hasta el cierre del periodo de comentarios el 8 de enero de 2024. Revisaremos todos los comentarios antes de tomar una decisión final sobre las propuestas.

      Ver la grabación:  La sesión informativa y la audiencia virtual el 6 de diciembre de 2023. La grabación está disponible en inglés y en español. Si desea verla en español, haga clic en el icono "mundo" y seleccione español como idioma de preferencia. También puede descargar la presentación. 
    • August 2023: A summary of the permit application submitted by Crimson Holdings has been developed in English and Spanish. The application is currently being reviewed. More information will be provided once a draft air permit is ready for public comment.
    • June 2023: EGLE staff continue to conduct odor investigations and work on corrective actions with the company. An additional violation notice on June 23, 2023. We are continuing to work on the escalated enforcement action which will include additional compliance measures to reduce odors as well as a monetary penalty.

      An air permit application submitted by the company requesting to install a new packed-bed scrubber to control odors from the existing spray dryer and to incorporate a Nuisance Odor Management Plan required by both Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and EGLE into their existing permit.

    • May 2023: Crimson Holdings submitted an air permit application (APP-2023-0141) to install a new packed-bed scrubber to control odors from the existing spray dryer and to incorporate a Nuisance Odor Management Plan (NOMP) required by both Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and EGLE into PTI 38-06.

    • April 2023: Additional odor complaints prompted continuing odor investigations of Crimson Holdings. A violation notice as issued on April 7, 2023 . EGLE received the company’s response on April 21, 2023. After a two-week trail period of full-time operations, the District Court again determined that the company must restrict their operating hours to between 7 pm and 7am.

    • March 2023: This month, Crimson Holdings installed and began operating the new taller stack to help address odors from the facility as part of their compliance plan. The company is working on additional changes to the process to continue to reduce odor events.

      After several odor complaints and an investigation by EGLE staff, a violation notice was issued on March 28, 2023. EGLE received the company’s response on April 3, 2023.
    • December 2022: The District Court restricts Crimson Holding’s operating hours to between 7pm to 7am until a new taller stack can be installed and operated.
    • November 2022: After receiving numerous odor complaints, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) staff once again observed very strong odors coming from Crimson Holdings on October 28, 2022. These odors were impacting a residential and business area up to a half mile from the facility. A violation notice for odor was issued to the company on November 1, 2022. While the company has taken some steps to reduce odors, several additional odor reduction actions recommended by EGLE have not yet been taken. EGLE received the company’s response on November 23, 2023.
    • September 2022: Crimson Holdings submitted an air permit application (APP-2022-0256) to modify their existing process and to incorporate a Nuisance Odor Management Plan (NOMP) required by both Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) and EGLE into PTI 38-06.

      NOTE: This application was voided by EGLE on April 25, 2023 and the permit changes were not made.
    • July 2022: EGLE starts escalated enforcement action on July 22, 2022, against Crimson Holdings (read EGLE July 22, 2022 press release). The results of escalated enforcement can take time; however, the enforcement action is to pursue a legally enforceable compliance plan, monetary penalty, and penalties for future violations. It may also include a Supplemental Environmental Project. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

      EGLE staff conducted an air quality inspection and complaint investigation on July 20, 2022 (report complete on July 26, 2022). Complaints from the residents and violations of Michigan’s Air Pollution Control Rules led to. another violation notice for nuisance odors on July 21, 2022. The company received the company’s response on July 27, 2022.
    • June 2022: On June 10, 2022, EGLE sent a letter to follow-up on Crimson Holding’s responses previous violation notices. This letter requested further information from the company regarding their plan to return to compliance and to request additional information about the odor neutralizing agent the company was using. EGLE received the company’s response on June 17, 2022.
    • May 2022: A violation notice was issued on May 26, 2022, including three odor violations and a violation for changing a process without submitting a request to modify the existing permit. The response to this violation notice was received from the company on June 3, 2022.
    • April 2022: On April 7, 2022, EGLE staff issued a violation notice to Crimson Holdings. A response was received from the company on April 28, 2022.
    • March 2022: EGLE staff conducted an inspection on March 23, 2022 of the Crimson Holdings facility after the company began operating an egg processing facility using equipment that had been previously used for milk processing by another company.
  • December 2021: Crimson Holdings begins processes eggs for the pet food industry in facility formerly used to process milk.

Additional Information

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