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Supplemental Environmental Projects

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Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Supplemental Environmental Projects

When the AQD enters into an enforcement action with a facility, the action typically results in a legally binding agreement between the State of Michigan and the facility which contains a monetary penalty, a compliance plan, and sometimes a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP). A SEP (pronounced "sep") is an environmentally beneficial project that is not required by state or federal law, but an alleged violator agrees to undertake as part of a settlement of an enforcement action. SEPs are projects that go beyond what is legally required to return to compliance with applicable state and federal laws.

Properly developed and administered SEPs have the potential to secure significant improvements in environmental quality and public health for Michigan citizens and can promote an atmosphere of cooperation between the alleged violator and the affected community benefiting from the projects. In lieu of payment of a portion of the monetary fines, an alleged violator may propose a SEP as part of the settlement. Although a settlement may include a SEP, monetary fines are a necessary and important part of any settlement.

Example Supplemental Environmental Projects

A Supplemental Environmental Project can take various forms, and the facility involved in the enforcement action will develop it. AQD will review and approve the SEP before it is implemented by the facility. A Supplemental Environmental Project must meet one or more of the following categories:

  • pollution prevention and reduction
  • environmental restoration and protection
  • public health
  • environmental assessments and awareness
  • climate change mitigation and preparedness
  • emergency planning and preparedness


Supplemental Environmental Projects and Air Quality Enforcement Viewer
Supplemental Environmental Projects and Air Quality Enforcement Viewer

Supplemental Environmental Projects and Air Quality Enforcement Viewer

Find completed or in progress Supplemental Environmental Projects throughout Michigan. This tool is useful for communities or community leaders wanting to participate in discussions with companies about potential SEPs as part of an enforcement action

Community input

EGLE encourages community input on Supplemental Environmental Projects from the local community that may have been adversely affected by the alleged violations. Soliciting community input during the SEP development process can better address the needs of the affected community, promote Environmental Justice, produce better community understanding of the resolution of the alleged violations, and foster partnership with the community members.

Seeking community input early in the SEP development process is beneficial for developing a SEP that addresses the needs and concerns of the affected community and environment. Both EGLE staff and the alleged violator can seek community input on SEP ideas collaboratively. The extent of community input and participation in the SEP development process will vary with each settlement.

An example of this is a collaborative partnership between the City of Detroit, EGLE and the USEPA to create an Environmentally Beneficial Projects (EBP) List. The EBP list is a forum for community input of ideas that can serve as a resource for future funding opportunities.  To be acceptable, an EBP idea must benefit Detroit residents by reducing pollution in air, in water, or on land.

Find out more about Detroit’s Environmentally Beneficial Projects (EBP) List.

Contact information

For questions about Supplemental Environmental Projects (SEPs), contact Jenine Camilleri, Air Quality Division at or 517-643-2612.

For more information about a source's compliance status and/or general questions related to a source, please contact the appropriate Air Quality Division district office by county.

Enforcement information not found online may be obtained through submission of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.