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Secretary Benson brings back the "Water-Winter Wonderland" license plate


WWW Plate Sample Lg

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is bringing back the resident-favorite "Water-Winter Wonderland" license plate. The iconic blue plate has been requested by motorists and collectors for years, and Benson noted that it is the plate the state used in 1965 when the National Voting Rights Act became law.

"I am proud to give Michiganders back a longtime favorite license plate that also marks a critical moment in the history of our nation's democracy," said Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. "In 1965, we worked together as a nation to protect and advance voting rights in pursuit of a more perfect union, just as today we must come together as a nonpartisan, pro-democracy coalition to protect and advance our elections."

The "Water-Winter Wonderland" plate is available for passenger vehicles and can be purchased as a disability plate. When purchasing, a one-time $5 graphic plate fee is assessed in addition to the normal registration fees. Personalization of the plate is available, though limited to 6 digits due to the font style and size accompanying the vintage reissue. Because of the design of Water-Winter Wonderland plates, residents should place the registration tab in the lower right-hand corner of the plate, rather than the upper right corner like they would on any other vehicle plate.  

The throwback plate is available now to order online, when purchasing a vehicle through a dealership, or when in a branch office.
For more information, visit

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