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Pending Rulings/Statements

Date of Request: 01/03/2025
Requester: Detroit Regional Chamber
Question Presented: Can the Detroit Regional Chamber, as a lobbyist agent, provide complimentary admission to the Mackinac Policy Conference to public officials as part of their official public duties?

Date of Request: 02/19/2025
Requester: Peter J. Lucido
Questions Presented:

  1. When a picture is taken of an elected official in their government office, using a personal camera, and the picture is used on a campaign website, is there a violation of MCL 169.257?
  2. Who decides if the picture has any ascertainable monetary value?
  3. How is ascertainable monetary value determined?
  4. When the office has limited access, but no other candidate has asked for access or been denied access, does the exception in MCL 169.257(1)(d) apply?
  5. Can the county enact or enforce an ordinance that prohibits the use of any county property for any campaign purpose despite the exceptions listed in MCL 169.257?

Public comment