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Michigan campaign finance act historical amendments

Date Public act Section Summary/Synopsis
02/13/2024 PA 284 of 2023 44
  • Exempts an expenditure allowed under Section 44a from a prohibition against a candidate committee making expenditures for anything but furthering of a candidate’s nomination or election.
02/13/2024 PA 283 of 2023 44a
  • Allow a candidate committee to pay a late filing fee assessed under the “Public Officers Financial Disclosure Act” or the “Candidate for Public Office Financial Disclosure Act”
02/13/2024 PA 264 of 2023 2
  • Defines “Artificial Intelligence”
02/13/2024 PA 263 of 2023 47, 59
  • Defines “Qualified Political Advertisement”
  • Requires Qualified Political Advertisement to state that it is wholly or substantially generated by artificial intelligence and provides for further identification requirements for certain advertisements.
  • Provides for exemptions to the identification requirements for Qualified Political Advertisements.
02/13/2024 PA 244 of 2023 4, 6, 11, 54, 55, 57
  • Removes the prohibition on the use of public resources to establish or administer a payroll deduction plan and allows a payroll deduction plan to be set up by a public employer for a consenting individual’s contributions to a separate segregated fund.
  • An individual’s affirmative consent would not expire until it is revoked by that individual.
  • Removes provisions that allow a person that alleges a use of public resources to establish or administer a payroll deduction plan for campaign purposes to bring a civil action against the public body or person acting on its behalf.
10/10/2019 PA 93 of 2019 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 21, 24, 26, 34, 35, 41, 51, 54, 55
  • Removes the February filing requirement for Ballot Question Committees.
  • Expands permitted use of secondary depositories to include depositing the proceeds of a joint fundraiser and transferring each committee’s share of receipts from the fundraiser.
  • Provides that the person providing affirmative consent may revoke that consent at any time.
  • Allows a connected organization to make an in-kind contribution to pay certain costs for fundraising activities for the separate segregated fund. Also requires reporting of these payments.
  • Candidates may not make an incidental office expenditure to a charitable organization they are an officer/director of, or if they receive compensation from that organization.
  • Incorporates credit and debit cards as instruments by which an individual may make a qualifying contribution to a candidate committee or a contribution of more than $20 or expenditure of more than $50.
09/28/2017 PA 119

3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 17, 24, 26, 33, 35, 44, 51, 54, 55

  • Creates a new category of committee, Independent Expenditure Committee (SuperPACs), and specifies registration, filing requirements and specific regulations for this new committee type. These changes were prompted by the 2010 US Supreme Court decision commonly known as the Citizens United Decision.
  • Requires the Annual Campaign Statement be filed by local committees as it was prior to 2014.
  • Changes the filing official for certain Independent Expenditure Reports under Section 51 and provides for the assessment of late filing fees for missed or late-filed reports.
  • Requires committees to provide an email address to the filing official.
07/27/2017 PA 114 of 2017 20
  • Removed reference to party Vignette in MCFA.
01/06/2016 PA 269 of 2015 4, 6, 9, 10, 15, 21, 24, 33, 35, 47, 52, 54, 55, 57
  • For state PACs, replaced the February Quarterly filing with the January Quarterly filing For local PACs, eliminated the July and October Quarterly filings in off election years For Political Party Committees, eliminated the July and October Quarterly filings in off election years For all local committees, eliminated the Annual Campaign Statement
  • Placed restrictions for public bodies disseminating communications that reference a Ballot Question within 60 days of the election (Enjoined from Enforcement: An injunction issued on February 5, 2016 by U. S. District Judge John Corbett O'Meara, from the U.S. District Court in Ann Arbor prevents the enforcement of PA 269 of 2015 as it affects Section 57 of the MCFA only.)
  • Added exceptions to the definition of commingling.
  • Included operational changes for Separate Segregated Funds (SSFs); removed the annual affirmative consent requirement for payroll deduction and prohibits a labor organization or similar organization from receiving payroll deduction assistance from a corporation that is not the sponsor of the SSF receiving the payroll deduction assistance
  • Provides for committee and candidate email addresses added to the Statement of Organization filing
  • Allows committees to pay debts from a previous election cycle regardless of the contribution limit of the previous cycle and without written designations from the contributor.
  • Incumbent Justices and Judges are automatically afforded the Reporting Waiver after an election or appointment as long as the committee's records substantiate that the committee qualifies for the Reporting Waiver.
  • Changed the response timeframes of the complaint process
12/27/2013 PA 259 of 2013 18A
  • Provided for voluntary electronic filing system for County Clerks should the Secretary of State create one
12/27/2013 PA 258 of 2013 18
  • Lowered the committee electronic filing reporting threshold from $20,000 to $5,000
12/27/2013 PA 252 of 2013 4, 6, 26, 33, 46, 47, 52, 52a, 55, 69
  • Raised food and beverage contribution exemption from $100 to $1,000 per calendar year
  • Removed communication without express advocacy from the definition of an "expenditure"
  • Exempted certain contributions to PACs from electronic filing
  • Added July and October statements to candidate, party and local PAC committees in years where the candidate the committee is supporting or opposing is not on the ballot
  • Added automatic adjustments to the contribution limits beginning in 2019
  • Added identification requirements for certain communications that do not have express advocacy language
  • Doubled most of the current contribution limits per election cycle to $6,800, $2,000 and $1,000
  • Added members of a corporation to be solicited for contributions
03/20/2013 PA 347 of 2012 PA 347
  • Prohibited Pay to Play for retirement, investments, investment of assets of public employee retirement systems
  • Administered by the Department of Treasury
1/1/2013 PA 275 of 2012 9, 21a
  • Removed reference to internal revenue code from definition of an "Incidental Expense
  • Limited the use of committee funds for legal expenses to recall expenses, recount expenses, compliance expenses and expenses that tangibly benefit the candidate's nomination or election
12/30/2012 PA 273 of 2012 3, 4, 11, 33, 35
  • Included in the definition of "committee" a person who receives a contribution or makes an expenditure to influence voters regarding the qualification of a new political party
  • Required statements by parties attempting to qualify as a new party
  • Established quarterly filing for PACs
  • Established penalties and procedures for SOS to follow for a committee that fails to file for 2 years and funds forfeited to State
7/3/2012 PA 277 of 2012 15, 32, 34, 36, 47, 55
  • Required posting of complaints to the Internet
  • Required referrals to AG for certain violations
  • Increased civil fines
  • Amended the definition of "Late Contribution" and filing requirements
  • Added quarterly reporting for Ballot Questions committees (BQC) in addition to Pre/Post and Annual statements
  • Eliminated qualification/non-qualification statements and Added petition proposal statements for state level BQC
  • Required certain recall and BQC to file with SOS
  • Amended identification requirement for Separate Segregated Funds (SSFs) when communicating to members
  • Allowed SSFs to contribute to other SSFs
2/28/2012 PA 30 of 2012 PA 390 of 1978
  • Prohibits payroll deduction from public bodies.
2/28/2012 PA 31 of 2012 4, 6, 11, 15, 57
  • Amended definition of contribution and expenditure to include federal candidates for the provisions of Section 57 only
  • Added the establishment of a "payroll deduction plan" as an expenditure and defines "payroll deduction plan
  • Amended Section 57 to provide the right to private action and for remedies outside of the MCFA
  • Added prohibition of "payroll deduction plan" to Section 57
  • Allowed for personal right of action for payroll deduction expenditures by certain persons
9/28/2007 PA 66 of 2007 61
  • Appropriated 72 million of the State Campaign Funds for the FY 2006/2007 general budget.
4/3/2006 PA 89 of 2006 18
  • Removed duplicate section 18
3/22/2002 PA 250 of 2001 2, 7, 12, 15, 26, 29, 31, 42, 47 52, 57, 69
  • Defined bundling, bundling committee, limited liability company (LLC), state elective office and statewide elective office
  • Deleted bingos as a fund raiser
  • Amended interpretive statement processes to match time period of a declaratory ruling
  • Provided for the reporting of bundled contributions and bundled contribution limits
  • Added street address to contributor information required to be reported by party committees
  • Required certified Statement of out-of-state contributions for compliance with Section 55
  • Added "with regulated funds" wording for identifiers
  • Amended Section 57 by adding "computer hardware or software as resources
1/11/2001 PA 486 of 2000 Insurance Code
  • Repeal of Section 2074 of insurance code affecting the MCFA
4/7/2000 PA 75 of 2000 35
  • Provided that Annual CS late filing fees must be paid for by the candidate with personal funds and cannot be paid for by the committee
3/29/2000 PA 50 of 2000 16
  • Changed the filing officials record retention schedule up to 15 years
12/28/1999 PA 224 of 1999 49
  • Repealed Officeholder Expense Funds (OEF).
12/28/1999 PA 237 of 1999 5, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 41, 42
  • Required the candidate's name in the committee name
  • Established zero floor reporting threshold
12/28/1999 PA 238 of 1999 15, 18, 33, 34, 35
  • Established time frames for processing complaints
  • Established the Electronic Filing Advisory Board
  • Established Civil Penalties and 2 tier late filing fees (above and below $10,000)
2/28/1999 PA 236 of 1999 16, 32
  • Required Late Contribution Reports posting and fees
  • Amended the retention of campaign statements
12/31/1996 PA 590 of 1996 8, 9, 11, 15, 36, 45, 52, 57, 69
  • Established new contribution limits for local committees and judicial committees
5/29/1996 PA 225 of 1996 47
  • Amended Section 47 (Identifiers) to exempt for printed matter for an individual acting alone
3/28/1996 PA 264 of 1995 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 26, 29, 32, 33, 52, 54, 55, 69, 24a, 25a, 33a, 52a, 57
  • Established enhanced disclosure for committee to committee contribution information
  • Added requirements for political party caucus committees
  • Required disclosure of election related expenditures for get-out-the-vote activity
  • Amended the conduct to events under the Bingo Act
  • Allowed for separate segregated funs (SSF) by domestic dependent sovereigns (DDS)
  • Established late filing fees and penalties for Late Contribution Reports
  • Established a penalty for reimbursements or bonuses for contributions by an employer
  • Prohibited contributions by public bodies
1/7/1996 PA 263 of 1995 PA 382
  • Amended section 19 of PA382 of 1972, Michigan Gaming and Control Board Act (MGCB) to regulate bingos and other games of chance (Review PA 264 and PA 275 of 1995)
1/7/1996 PA 275 of 1995 PA 382
  • Amended section 3 of PA382 of 1972, Michigan Gaming and Control Board Act (MGCB) to regulate bingos and other games of chance (Review PA 264 and PA 275 of 1995)
4/1/1995 PA 117 of 1994 6, 8, 24, 26, 29, 41, 42, 52, 54, 56
  • Established aggregate contribution limits
  • Established persons who may be solicited by a labor organization and Expanded class of individuals who may be solicited by a nonprofit corporation
  • Required affirmative consent to payroll deductions
  • Established $100 threshold for reporting occupation and employer information
  • Required name of PACs must include the names of their sponsors or affiliates
  • Prohibited labor organizations from contributing to candidate committees and must form separate segregated fund SSF
  • Provided contributors to BQC are not required to register under certain circumstances
  • Required a domestic dependent sovereigns (DDS) must form separate segregated fund SSF
  • Established penalty for reimbursements or bonuses given in return for contributions
  • Required disclosure of expenditures for get-out-the-vote activities
  • Amended political party caucus committees section
  • Set Late filing fees for Late Contribution Reports
  • Prohibited contributions by public bodies
  • Required disclosure for bingo information
5/12/1994 PA 118 of 1994 3, 7a
  • Amended definitions and bingo provisions.
1/1/1994 PA 385 of 1994
  • Prohibits legislators from accepting a cash honorarium.
1/1/1994 PA 411 of 1994 49, 21A
  • Eliminated Officeholder Expense Funds or (OEF) from Section 49
  • Added new Section 21A to authorized incidental expenses from the Candidate Committee
12/14/1993 PA 262 of 1993 61, 62, 67
  • Raised the check off to $3 and $6
  • Provided that funds remain in the fund until reaching a $10,000,000 cap
  • Eliminated the $300,000 fund raising exemption
  • Increased the expenditure limit to $2,000,000
3/10/1992 PA 7 of 1992
  • Removed the filing exemption for primary and fourth class school districts and replaced it with the filing exemption for school districts with a pupil membership count of 2,400 students or less.
6/21/1989 PA 95 of 1989
  • Removed the filing exemption for primary and fourth class school districts and replaced it with filing exemption for school districts with a pupil membership count of 2,400 students or less
  • Increased the registration threshold for non-candidate committees to $500
  • Eliminated of one day Ballot Question Committees
  • Clarifies of Independent Committee qualification requirements
  • Provided for overnight delivery service to ensure timely filing
  • Amended Section 17 provision for new PACs to register within 10 days of notification by MDOS without incurring any fees
  • Provided for the Designated Record Keeper
  • Raised Reporting Waiver to $1,000
  • Provided Statement of Organization (SofO) can be filed with next campaign statement and removed late filing fee provisions
  • Established Triannual campaign statements for PACs and pre/post only when activity is reported and annuals for a Political Party Committees and local PACs
  • Required the itemization of all contributions and expenditures by a committee to a candidate committee and a ballot question committee
  • Removed the list of names with each fund raiser schedule
  • Eliminated Debts Schedule reporting on last payment to debt
  • Provided for the retention of campaign statements for 4 years or one year beyond the term of office
  • Changed contribution limits to an election cycle basis rather than a per election basis
  • Required a person to deliver contributions within 10 days
  • Authorized joint fund raisers
  • Provided for out-of-state treasurers, irrevocable stipulation and the certified statement
  • Provided for 30 business day return of contribution
  • Changed in School Board Candidate definition in primary or 4th class school district exemption
  • Provided for automatic dissolution of candidate committees
  • Changed fees from a calendar day basis to a business day basis
  • Established Civil Penalties
  • Established a timetable for requests for declaratory rulings
  • Affected Public Funding sections
8/22/1985 PA 138 of 1985 33
  • Raised threshold of Reporting Waiver to $1000.00
10/13/1982 PA 308 of 1982 33
  • Affected campaign statement provisions and waiver of fees under certain circumstances
5/31/1982 PA 167 of 1982 20
  • Amended candidates covered by MCFA
7/16/1981 PA 102 of 1981 82
  • Amended penalty provisions
12/30/1980 PA 377 of 1980 20
  • Amended write-in candidate provisions
12/30/1980 PA 465 of 1980 15
  • Amended duties of the Secretary of State
7/18/1980 PA 204 of 1980 65
  • Amended public funding for Political Party Committee provisions
7/18/1980 PA 205 of 1980 36
  • Amended county copy provisions
7/18/1980 PA 215 of 1980 35
  • Amended Annual Campaign Statement provisions
7/7/1980 PA 181 of 1980 34
  • Amended Ballot Question Committee provisions
1/8/1979 PA 632 of 1979 45
  • Amended funds transfer provisions
7/27/1978 PA 378 of 1978 28
  • Amended interest and loan provisions
7/12/1978 PA 348 of 1978 47
  • Amended identifier provisions
7/12/1978 PA 349 of 1978 52
  • Amended contributions limits provisions
6/4/1978 PA 193 of 1978 82
  • Amended penalty provisions
5/27/1978 PA 172 of 1978 17
  • Amended fees to be used for administering the MCFA provisions
1/4/1977 PA 304 of 1977 53
  • Amended dependent minor contributions provision so expenditures count toward parent contribution limits
1/1/1977 PA 305 of 1977 41
  • Amended cash contribution and anonymous contribution provisions
1/1/1977 PA 306 of 1977 36
  • Amended filing official provisions
1/1/1977 PA 307 of 1977 33
  • Amended reporting and late filing fees provision
1/1/1977 PA 308 of 1977 29
  • Campaign Statements

PA 309 of 1977 63
  • Amended public funding provisions
1/1/1977 PA 310 of 1977 3
  • Amended definitions of candidate, candidate committee, closing date and committee
1/1/1977 PA 311 of 1977 24
  • Amended Statement of Organization provisions
1/1/1977 PA 312 of 1977 21
  • Amended candidate provisions
1/1/1977 PA 313 of 1977 17
  • Amended fees to be used for administering the MCFA provisions
1/1/1977 PA 314 of 1977 11
  • Amended definitions in "P"
12/30/1976 PA 388 of 1976 ALL
  • Current MCFA with no amendments
3/31/1975 PA 227 of 1975 Repealed
  • History of PA 388