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Oaths of Office - Authorized individuals who may administer oaths


Officer Administers Oaths for Authority
Attorney General Governor,
Attorney General,
Secretary of State,
Lieutenant Governor
MCL 15.37
City Clerk All offices1 MCL 168.499, 87.6
Clerk of Court All offices1 MCL 15.37, 600.1440(1)
Clerk of the House State Senator or State Representative MCL 4.84
County Clerk All offices1 MCL 600.571, 600.1440(1)
Judge All offices2 MCL 15.37, 600.1440(1)
Justice of Supreme Court All offices MCL 15.37, 600.1440(1)
Lieutenant Governor State Senator or State Representative MCL 4.84
Mayor of City Governor,
Attorney General,
Secretary of State,
Lieutenant Governor
MCL 15.37
Notary Public All offices MCL 15.37, 600.1440(1)
President pro tempore of the Senate State Senator or State Representative MCL 4.84
Secretary of the Senate State Senator or State Representative MCL 4.84
Secretary of State Governor,
Attorney General,
Secretary of State,
Lieutenant Governor
MCL 15.37, 38.1026
Speaker of the House State Senator or State Representative MCL 4.84
State Senator or Representative All offices1 MCL 4.121
Township Clerk All offices1 MCL 168.363, 168.499
Village Clerk All offices1 MCL 64.5, 168.499

1 Excluding Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Lieutenant Governor, or member of State Senate or State House.

2 Excluding member of State Senate or State House.