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Renewable Operating Permits (ROPs) / Title V

close up of hands writing on documents at desk
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

Renewable Operating Permits (ROPs) / Title V

The operating permit program is a national air permitting requirement under Title V of the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and is administered by each state. In Michigan, these permits are known as Renewable Operating Permits (ROPs). This page is designed to help initial applicants and those renewing applications navigate the obligations of the permitting program and provide resources to guide facilities through the process. For more information, see the ROP Program Overview.

Facilities of public interest

The Air Quality Division shares information about facilities regulated by state and federal air quality regulations in Michigan through MiEnviro Portal Site Explorer.

This information includes but is not limited to, Permits to Install (PTI), Renewable Operating Permits (ROP), inspection reports, stack test reports, and enforcement documents. Lists of historical information, pre-December 10, 2024 is still available. 

Facility-specific information prior to December 10, 2024
application form

Initial Application

A source that becomes subject to Title V must submit an initial application.

a document is labeled "five years" and is surrounded by two circular arrows implying renewals

Renewal Applications

Once a source has an ROP, it must renew the permit every five years.

A large arrow on the left points to the right with the word "change" in it. Smaller arrows on the right point left to the larger one.


Sometimes a source needs to make changes to its ROP after a permit is issued.

A single microphone in focus, with a blurred background of meeting attendees
EGLE Air Monitoring Station

Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM)

Some ROPs are required to have CAM plans as part of them.

CAM Documents
rows of data binders on shelves

Compliance Reporting

ROPs are required to submit compliance-specific records.


Contact information

For general questions, please contact us at or 800-662-9278.

For small businesses, the Clean Air Assistance Program is also available for assistance.