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MiEnviro Portal for air

A map of Michigan, focused on Grand Rapids, with many purple dots indicating facilities
Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy

MiEnviro Portal for air

MiEnviro Portal for Air webinar series

EGLE's Air Quality Division is offering this series of virtual training sessions to ensure all users are familiar with the new MiEnviro Portal for Air.  Permit applications, compliance reports, and other documents will be submitted using MiEnviro.  This training will cover System Access and Navigation, as well as changes to the submittal processes.

Check out the MiEnviro for Air webinar series

Getting started

Create a new account and manage user access

Follow this tutorial to create a new account, manage user access, and obtain certifier rights in MiEnviro Portal

Resources and guides

Program areas

For program-specific information, select one of the following.

Questions? Contact us!

For specific air-related questions, contact our MiEnviro Portal Air Team at

For general questions about MiEnviro Portal, contact our Environmental Assistance Center at 800-662-9278 or

AQD District Offices