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Michigan Transit Facts

Michigan provides some level of public transportation in all 83 counties.

Total state transit funding in FY 2024 was $334.16 million. This translates to a per capita funding level of approximately $33. Public transit agencies are supported by a combination of local funds, including farebox, local general funds, and property tax millages. A total of 54 of the 78 public transit agencies are locally supported by property tax millages.

In FY 2023, the 77 public transit agencies transported 46 million passengers statewide; the 89 specialized services recipients and their subrecipients transported 941,704 passengers statewide.

The Rideshare Program provides limited staff support for eight local Rideshare offices that organize, demonstrate, and promote ridesharing activities. Seven of the offices receive federal funds to support the program. In addition, the MichiVan Program provided fleet management to 240 commuter vanpool groups in FY 2024.

In FY 2023, the marine program supported four ferry services.  The Eastern Upper Peninsula  carried 530,706 vehicles and 858,490 passengers. The Charlevoix-to-Beaver Island service carried 7,473 vehicles and 39,123 passengers, Mackinac Island-to-mainland carried 38,150 passengers in the offseason. The Ironton Ferry Service carried 67,247 vehicles and 121,347 passengers.

The state supports five intercity bus routes, which carried 45,265 passengers in FY 2024.

There were 146 private bus regular route and charter carriers licensed in Michigan. MDOT inspects the safety of 1,370 buses operated by private carriers.