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Roadside property management

MDOT's roadside property management is responsible for maintaining land adjacent to state highways, ensuring safety and aesthetics through vegetation control, litter removal, and erosion prevention. They develop guidelines and standards for memorial highways, support the Adopt-A-Highway program for volunteer cleanup efforts, and oversee access management for safe road access. Additionally, they promote environmental initiatives like pollinator habitat management to support ecosystems along state right of way.

Memorial Highways

MDOT has developed guidelines for the signing of memorial highways and bridges, providing standards for the design (shape, size, color) and application of all signs installed on public highways.


Adopt-A-Highway is a program designed to help keep the state's highway roadsides clean and attractive. Participants adopt both sides of a section of state highway roadside to clean up over a two-year period.

Access management

Access management is a set of proven techniques to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and assure safe access to properties adjacent to a roadway.

Pollinator Habitat Management

MDOT operates a habitat management plan to protect pollinators and their habitats in right of way.