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Resilience Improvement Plan

M-30 at Edenville dam failure
Department of Transportation

Resilience Improvement Plan

MDOT, in collaboration with statewide and regional stakeholders, developed this Resilience Improvement Plan. The purpose of the plan is to explore strategies to improve statewide transportation resilience to climate hazards.

The plan considered climate hazards that impact Michigan including flooding, extreme heat, and coastal erosion. Climate hazards are natural events that can cause damage or loss to the human-built and natural environment, including to transportation infrastructure. Resilience improves the ability of transportation assets to withstand changing climate conditions, thereby reducing the vulnerability of transportation assets to climate impacts. 

The purpose of this Resilience Improvement Plan is to evaluate vulnerabilities, assess the risk associated with climate hazards, and identify strategies to improve the resilience of surface transportation facilities to climate hazards in Michigan. This plan focuses on four key transportation assets including roads, bridges, culverts, and pump stations.

Resilience Improvement Plan