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Complete Streets/Context Sensitive Solutions

MDOT Transportation Alternative Program (TAP) on Madison Avenue in Detroit, Wayne County.
Department of Transportation

Complete Streets/Context Sensitive Solutions

In 2012, the State Transportation Commission (STC) adopted a Complete Streets policy for MDOT. Currently, MDOT is revisiting the 2012 STC policy to meet Michigan’s changing transportation needs.

Complete Streets policy encompasses mobility and safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, older individuals, children, individuals with disabilities, motorists, and freight vehicles. The Complete Street policy works to ensure corridors are consistently designed, operated, and maintained to meet community needs and maximize safety.

Michigan Public Act 135 of 2010 defines “complete streets” as roadways planned, designed, and built to provide appropriate access to all legal users in a manner that promotes safe and efficient movement of people and goods whether by car, truck, transit, assistive device, foot, or bicycle.

Complete Streets Advisory Council

The Complete Streets Advisory Council was sunset in January 2015. The following are historical documents relating to the council.


John Martin, CS/CSS Coordinator | 517-582-8926

Amy Matisoff, Office of Policy and Government Relations | 517-282-7457

Michael Frezell, Media Representative | 517-281-6519

Monica Monsma, Public Involvement and Hearings Officer | 517-335-4381