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Property Management

MDOT's Property Management Unit provides excess property, property management (licenses/leases), railroad, and technical services.


Lori Crysler, Supervisor

Property Disposal

MDOT Property Management oversees the disposal of real property interests which includes the preparation, initiation, processing and monitoring of requests to release department-owned lands for sale, rental, or lease. The unit also drafts instruments of conveyance for MDOT property disposal transactions and coordinates with the Attorney General’s office and MDOT's Bureau of Development in the execution of instruments.

Property Disposal FAQs

Property Online Auctions

Property Request Form

Abutting Owner Waiver of Purchase Form


Joe Bonsall | 517-335-5452
Property Analyst

Jenny Bullen | 517-335-4370 
Property Analyst 

Dawn VanHalst | 517-335-4366
Property Analyst

Property Management (Licenses/Leases)

MDOT Property Management develops and monitors statewide agricultural licenses, billboard leases/licenses, land and building leases and leases on the Blue Water Bridge.


Joe Bonsall | 517-335-5452
Property Analyst


MDOT Property Management provides technical expertise for railroad right-of-way requests/inquiries, determines ownership interest for the Office of Rail, processes sales of railroad excess properties, and monitors leases/licenses on railroad property.

Railroad Purchase FAQs

Application to Purchase MDOT owned Railroad Property (Form 609)

Request to use MDOT Controlled Railroad Property (Form 772)


Dawn VanHalst | 517-335-4366
Rail Specialist


MDOT Property Management provides the department's region offices, TSCs, and the public with support and technical expertise in the areas of design plans, legal descriptions, railroad issues, property sales, right-of-way maps, and right-of-way research. Information regarding subdivisions shown on a right-of-way map or in a legal description should visit Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Land Survey and Remonumentation.

Right-of-Way Map Files

For questions on Right-of-Way please email: