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RTA Paratransit Trip Management

Key project partners: Regional Transportation Authority of Southeast Michigan (RTA), Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority (AAATA), Detroit Department of Transportation (DDOT), Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation (SMART), Menlo Innovations

Description: Create an integrated online booking and trip management platform to assist seniors and people with disabilities using paratransit. This platform will create a "one click" experience for users of AAATA's A-Ride, DDOT MetroLift and SMART Connector. It will be scalable to include additional community, public, and nonprofit providers in the future.

Award amount: $1,050,000

Current status: Since finalizing the design requirements for the mobile and transit provider applications, the project team selected Feonix Mobility Rising as the vendor that will create a mobile application for paratransit users and an administrative application for transit providers in southeast Michigan. The project team is working with Feonix Mobility to finalize the project timeline and has begun working with transit providers to finalize the design and functionality of the applications.

July 2021 stakeholder update meeting: Michigan Ride Paratransit Update

Michigan Ride Paratransit Final Report
Michigan Ride Paratransit White Paper