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I-94 Modernization Study - Detroit

Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision

The I-94 modernization project will reconstruct the I-94 freeway in Detroit from east of the I-96/I-94 interchange to east of Conner Avenue. MDOT received final environmental clearance for the project from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This milestone enables MDOT to proceed with next steps toward rebuilding I-94. Information on the environmental process can be found in the Combined Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (FSEIS) and the Record of Decision (ROD).

Project sponsors are FHWA, MDOT, and the City of Detroit. MDOT has management and oversight responsibility and will oversee all project activities from the preliminary engineering and environmental phases through final construction.


I-94 DSEIS executive summary

I-94 Combined FSEIS and ROD