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I-75/M-32 Interchange Rebuilding and Reconfiguration - Gaylord
About this project
Beginning in 2026, MDOT plans to replace the northbound and southbound I-75 bridges over M-32 in Gaylord and rebuild M-32 between Edelweiss Village Parkway/Meecher Road and Wisconsin Avenue. These bridges were built in 1961, are currently in poor condition, and need to be replaced. This provides an opportunity to consider alternatives for this interchange that provide safe and efficient movement of people and goods through the Gaylord area and accommodate future increased traffic. Based on community input and engineering review, MDOT has selected a diverging diamond interchange (DDI) design for the I-75/M-32 interchange rebuilding project.
A DDI is an alternative interchange that improves safety, increases traffic flow, and can reduce construction costs. They have been successfully implemented at several locations throughout Michigan in recent years, helping reduce crashes and congestion. To navigate a DDI, drivers follow signs, signals, and pavement markings to cross to the left side of the roadway after the first set of traffic signals. Vehicles going straight proceed through a second set of traffic signals and cross back to the right side of the road. All left turns onto the freeway are free flowing. MDOT has posted a video showing how drivers navigate the I-96/Cascade Road DDI in Grand Rapids Township, Kent County.
MDOT had considered three main options: replacing the current bridges generally in the current configuration but with other improvements at the interchange, a DDI, or a single-point urban interchange (SPUI). Information about DDIs and SPUIs is available on MDOT's website.
Traffic impacts
- Proposed to maintain at least one lane of traffic in each direction on M-32.
- Proposed to maintain I-75 on existing lanes as much as possible.
- Ramp closures will be staged to minimize traffic impacts.
- Effects on traffic will be influenced by which final interchange configuration is selected and designed.
Safety information
- The DDI design provides the best balance of improvements to the movement of traffic, as well as safety and convenience for all users, drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.