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Freight & Logistics

Railroad tracks with trees and light snow.
Department of Transportation

Freight & Logistics

Safety Enhancements at Short-Storage-Space Railroad Crossings

Project Number: SPR-1721

Contract Number: 2019-1033

Status: Complete

Start Date: 01/01/2020

End Date: 12/31/2022


MDOT regulates safety devices at public railroad crossings. MDOT also invests state and federal dollars on a prioritized basis to
enhance safety at public railroad crossings. Other than pre-signals, there is not currently prescribed enhancements to address
crossings that don't have sufficient space for traffic to queue at nearby roadway intersections without backing over the crossing.
Although the points of conflict are less frequent, because of the severity of car-train crashes, MDOT would like to establish
additional potential solutions for crossings that are near roadway intersections that don't warrant traffic signals (and, therefore, a
pre-signal is not an option). Any potential safety enhancements for these crossings, at a minimum, should not negatively impact
the road intersection. Typically, storage space is limited when a primary road runs parallel to the track with a secondary road
intersecting the track and primary road within 200' of each other. MDOT estimates there are at least 300 crossings that have
these conditions throughout the state, including but not limited to, crossings along the CSX corridor that parallels Chicago Drive
from Hudsonville to Zeeland.





Research Manager Project Manager Performing Organization
Staff photo of Mary Hoffmeyer
Mary Hoffmeyer Nikkie Johnson Texas A&M