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Researchers used sensors (shown in foreground, connected via cables) to measure vibrations at various distances from pile driving operations, both on the surface and at various depths.
Department of Transportation


Infrastructure Protection and Rehabilitation Response to High Lake Levels

Project Number: SPR-1712

Contract Number: 2021-0266

Status: Complete

Start Date: 02/15/2021

End Date: 03/31/2022


This multifaceted planning study addresses risks to MDOT assets associated with high water levels in the Great Lakes, as experienced in 2019 and 2020. The project classifies exposure, vulnerability, and risk for flooding and erosion hazards statewide, focusing on areas hydrologically connected to the Great Lakes. For five priority sites, a conditions assessment was completed, and mitigation alternatives or appropriate next steps were suggested. Schematic design and costs were developed for the preferred mitigation alternative where able. Research methods leveraged a mixture of published literature, guidance from federal and state agencies, local knowledge from regional leaders, and subject matter experts. MDOT decision makers can leverage this analysis to help decide between relying on temporary mitigation measures and capital investment for at-risk sites. Additionally, the study provides the foundation for prioritizing investment needs statewide. Planning and policy recommendations to increase resilience long-term are suggested.





Research Manager Project Manager Performing Organization
 Staff photo of Michael Townley  Hal Zweng Staff Photo


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 Michael Townley  Hal Zweng  Arcadis