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Structural Fabrication Unit

The Structural Fabrication Unit implements MDOT's quality assurance program for fabricated materials required to be accepted based on fabrication inspection per the Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual. They perform final installation inspection of sign, traffic signal, Intelligent Transportation System, and lighting support structures for the project office. The unit serves as MDOT's structural fabrication expert and provide recommendations to design and construction staff regarding plan details, specifications, shop inspection, and field inspection. They also perform technical reviews of shop fabrications and field construction related documents required to be submitted for review and approval.

Structural Precast Concrete Fabrication

Structural precast concrete fabrication performs quality assurance inspection for structural precast (prestressed and non-prestressed) concrete products required to be accepted based on fabrication inspection per the Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual. They provide technical support to the project offices for grouting post-tensioned structures and erection of bridge members and highway structures, and perform technical review of structural precast concrete shop drawings.

Structural Steel Fabrication

Structural Steel Fabrication performs quality assurance inspection for structural steel products required to be accepted based on fabrication inspection per the Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual. They provide technical support to the project offices for structural bolting, welding, and erection of bridge members and highway structures. They also review and approve shop welding procedure specifications (WPS), pile welding QC plans, heat straightening plans, and structural field welding plans, and perform technical review of structural steel shop drawings.


Metals Laboratory

The Metals Laboratory performs statewide metals testing as required per the Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual. Serve as statewide metals testing expert and provide recommendations to development/region/transportation service center staff regarding specifications and acceptance of metals for their projects.

All Metals Lab inquiries and e-construction notifications must be sent to

Metals Lab Guidance Document 

Metals testing videos


Matthew Filcek, Structural Fabrication Engineer | 517-282-9137

Mark Tyahla, Staff Engineer | 517-855-8262

Deanna Papanek, Structural Precast Concrete Specialist | 517-204-6689

Bob Otremba, Structural Steel Specialist | 989-233-6826